…..such kind of politics should not be tolerated in a democratic country like Zambia.

Lusaka… Saturday May 25, 2024 (SMART EAGLES)

The Patriotic Front has expressed concern with the continued threats against critics of President Hakainde Hichilema.

PF Chairperson of Informationand Publicity Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba says such kind of politics should not be tolerated in a democratic country like Zambia.

Amb Mwamba said it is worrying that just last week, Mambilima Member of Parliament Hon Jean Chisenga’s house was gutted in a mysterious manner.

He said Hon Chisenga has been a strong critic of President Hichilema as she even called him a liar in Parliament.

The PF Chairperson of Informationand Publicity said this when he addressed journalists at Ibex Hill Police Station where he and other senior PF officials had gone to inquire about the missing Petauke Central Member of Parliament Hon Emmanuel Banda.

“But for us we ask you to continue praying for Hon Jay Jay Banda because he remains missing. The circumstances under which his vehicle was found are very worrying.. His vehicle (official parliamentary vehicle) was found along Twin Palm road, and the vehicle was on hazard around 04:20. Two of his phones and other valuables were found in his vehicle,” he said.

“What we can confirm is that we have expressed worry at the threats that they have been issuing against the critics of the President (HH). When Charles Milupi in Mongu at a rally being addressed by the President at the airport directed UPND officials through Gilbert Liswaniso that they are allowing critics of the President to reign free. We expressed concern because that can be an instruction to ordinary cadres to harm anyone who is deemed to be a critic of the president.”

Amb Mwamba said such statements should be condemned.

He stated that the leadership of the UPND including the President himself should curb such torn.

“In the last week, we have heard media statements from Lusaka, North Western Province and from all provinces of Zambia from UPND youths threatening the former President of Zambia Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu. Those statements are really worrying and sadly no one is arrested for issuing those threats and that is our biggest concern. If anyone issues threats against anyone the police should move in,” he added.

“Last week we had another disaster where Hon Jean Chisenga who is a strong critic of the President, who called him a liar in Parliament, had her house mysteriously gutted. She fears for her life. We have not heard a statement from the police to say they are investigating the possible case of arson of Hon Jean Chisenga’s house. Hon Jean Chisenga has accompanied the former President when he went to Soweto even when they went to Kabwe. Jay Jay Banda has also been in the group with the president.”

He observed the need to ensure that politics are conducted without threats to life and violence.

Amb Mwamba also hinted that there are a number of officials who have informed the PF leadership of threats against their lives saying this is worrying.



  1. Ba “Concluda” should learn to be patient until police conclude investigations!

    James 3:8 reads
    but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.

    Why are some people making conclusions and pointing fingers when police have not concluded investigations?
    Doesn’t that amount to interference with police investigations?
    Why should mature persons be so shallow minded to jump to conclusions before the truth is established by established investigative wings?
    Sometimes it is a sign of maturity and wisdom to say “We don’t know!”
    The truth always comes out!
    We must stop primitive living and acting from impulse!
    Our political discourse must begin to be civil!


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