25 TH May 2024


Mr. Lungu has embarked on a WA MUYAYA kind of leadership that Zambians rejected to be associated with. Most of those who take the route of WA MUYAYA are dictators. Mr. Lungu is just a very scared and a very bitter man. That’s why he is calling himself a snake. After eating a snake, he has now turned into a snake.

It’s very difficult to distinguish a dictator from a normal leader for the first time someone parades himself. But for those who have demonstrated their true colors before it’s very easy to know them. Zambians don’t want to start singing “Kumulu ni Lesa Panshi ni Lungu”. Have you forgotten Christians for Lungu? Going by the PF genes and tradition, if you refuse to sing, a panga will likely land on your head.

It will be a grave mistake for those who think Mr. Lungu will suddenly change when he hasn’t shown any remorse on how innocent Zambians were brutalized under his administration. Our Youths were used as tools of violence. The PF Party became so brutal that our men and women in uniform were insulted and beaten at their Police Stations. Imagine someone urinating in someone’s mouth.

To the contrary, President HH has made it abundantly clear that after his two terms he will hand over power to whoever the Zambian people will chose. But typical of the WA MUYAYA mentality Mr. Lungu shamelessly told the world that he will hand over power to himself. Under President HH we have seen stolen public resources being surrendered back by thieves. While Mr. Lungu encouraged PF thieves to loot the Nation through UBOMBA MWIBALA……

As UPND we are not scared when we hear that President HH will spend his entire life in jail, because we know why these threats are being made, corruption fights back very viciously. These are the last words from the sympathizers of the corrupt regime. Zambians, the WA MUYAYA syndicate is there not better your lives. Zambians refrain from sympathizing with cruel people.

Zambians do not need the WA MUYAYA President. History is there for anyone to see. This is a failed project. We wish Mr. Lungu lucky as he annoys Zambians with his WA MUYAYA politics. Who can trust a snake?

Albert Malama

UPND – Acting Chairman for Mines


  1. Well spoken, sir.
    Some Zambians are myopic. Already forgotten the path that PF took to destroy this country.
    Who can forget the Bill 10 project, which had one agenda . . For Lungu to be a muyayaya president?
    During this project, we saw a number of Judas Iscariots, including some once respected “men of God” who could not resist the brown envelope.
    If by hook and crook, Lungu bounces back, that will be his major task. Then the Ukwa members will know why Lungu calls himself a snake

  2. You must be confused. Do you what Wamuyaya means? You have just failed to govern now you to blame others. Reason for your failure is simple! Tribalism, nepotism and separating others important works! Since when did Lungu ever say he’s Wamuyaya.


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