VIDEO: What Did Hon. Stafford Mulusa Mean When He Said ‘Petauke Is Done’ – Hon Munir Zulu



  1. No need for inflammatory statements. Why not wait for the story to unfold. What will you say when the truth is finally out and it’s not political? Raising emotions unnecessarily??

    • Imagine how we have fallen as a country?
      Maybe we should change our national Anthem. Zambia is no longer a land of work and joy. It’s now a land of idle angry minds!
      People must learn to allow investigations to run the full course!
      The truth always comes out!
      This case of JJ is a potential case of “Love Triangles” gone wrong but let’s wait for Boma to conclude investigations!
      Those who have done Root Cause Analysis Training will tell you that when doing any investigation, have an open mind to all possibilities.
      People should be arrested for jeopardizing police investigations when they carelessly jump to unfounded conclusions. That’s how it was done during the glorious KK days.


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