Authored By Mupishi Jones

The police have played their role in isolating individuals bent to divide this country on tribal lines.No one should point an accusing finger at the police for doing what they are paid to do… maintain peace and order in this country.

The language that was coming from these two horribles was very frightening.It was a language associated with terrorists.
The issue at hand was about the abduction of JJ Banda, which all of us citizens in this country were concerned except we have different views on the architectures of this act.It is normal for each person to have silent suspects.How these two horribles diverted the whole issue and linked it to imaginary tribal frictions, left many wondering their motives.

It is beyond doubt that these two horribles have their own personal issues with society.Society misfits, constitutional delinquents such as these two horribles and adada must be isolated from the rest of society members and placed into reformatory facilities until they are fit to associate with the rest of society members.

In the case of these two horribles, the police have really performed to the citizens expectations by moving in and quickly isolating them from society before they can contaminate other members.Tribalism is like leprosy and people with leprosy are isolated or quarantined to avoid contaminating others.Similarly mad people or outlaws like these two horribles must be isolated.

It is therefore,up to the courts now to keep these two outlaws in reformatory facilities until they conform to the collective norms of our society.The collective norms is that as 72 tribes,we have no choice but to continue living side by side together.We just have to find common bonds that binds us together unlike agendas that divide us.

The agenda of these two constitutional delinquents must be curbed once and for all.Their fate must be harsh enough to deter their admirers from such behaviour ever again in our Society will gain more by sacrificing these two horribles than keeping them amongst ourselves,worse still as our law makers!

We have intermarriages,we have friends whom we don’t pay attention to their tribes,we have workmates from different tribes living in harmony why should these two rascals divide us? I’m Mupishi Jones,my closest friend is Kapila Mulenga, married to Lucy Mwansa, whose mother is Mutinta,how do we isolate ourselves from this intertwined web?

Tribe doesn’t divide people, it’s people like these two mongrels that divide others using tribe!
We must reject in the strongest terms people who will attempt to divide us.We must remember that all the 72 tribes are found in all the 116 districts of this country.It is insane to assume that it is only in your province where other tribes are found and that your tribesmates are not found in other provinces.

We must always remember that it would be foolish for a Banda to vote for a Lungu just because they are all from Eastern Province just like it’d be stupid for Malambo to vote for Hatembo just because they are from Southern Province.People must choose leaders based on the capacity of that leader!

Let’s stand up and demand that tribalists must be isolated and kept far away from the rest of society members,
I submit

Mupishi Jones


  1. Those two MPs are not fit to be called representatives of a people. They should be stripped of their titles and elections held in their constituancies. Nothing honourable about them.


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