Zambia Constitutional Court Faces Landmark LGBTQ+ Rights Case

The Constitutional Court of Zambia is set to hear a landmark case challenging the constitutionality of Section 155 of the Penal Code, which criminalizes “carnal knowledge against the order of nature.” The petition has been filed by prominent governance activist Isaac Mwanza and the Zambian Civil Liberties Union (ZCLU), a non-profit human rights organization.

The petitioners are arguing that the vague and ambiguous language of Section 155, which does not clearly define what constitutes acts “against the order of nature,” is unconstitutional as it violates the principle of legal certainty enshrined in the Zambian Constitution. They allege that the law is being used to discriminate against LGBTQ+ individuals, in contravention of the Constitution’s guarantee of equality and non-discrimination.

The case also challenges the use of invasive and degrading forensic anal examinations conducted by the police to gather evidence of alleged “unnatural offences.” The petitioners argue that such practices violate the constitutional right to human dignity.

Furthermore, the petitioners assert that Section 155 unreasonably restricts the private sexual conduct of consenting adults, infringing on their constitutional rights to privacy, freedom of conscience, and personal autonomy.

At the heart of the case is the question of whether the law’s broad and vague language around the “order of nature” is unconstitutionally ambiguous, and whether the law’s selective application to same-sex conduct amounts to unlawful discrimination. The issue of gay rights has been a contentious one in Zambia, with leaders in the previous administrations defending the existence of these laws on the basis of the country’s status as a Christian nation questions as to the ruling UPND stance on this are now loud as the petitioner Isaac Mwanza is an alleged UPND sympathiser.

The petitioners are seeking a declaration that Section 155 is unconstitutional, and are urging the court to either repeal the provision or provide a clear and exhaustive list of the sexual acts that are considered to be in accordance with the “order of nature.”

The case has drawn significant attention in Zambia, where there has been ongoing debate and controversy over the application of the law against LGBTQ+ individuals and activists. The court’s ruling could have far-reaching implications for the protection of LGBTQ+ rights and the advancement of constitutional principles of equality, non-discrimination, and personal freedom in the country.

InfinityMediaHub #stayinformed


    • Ba Indigo, slow down. Be slow to speak and quick to listen. Mr. Isaac Mwanza is a very well known PF symphasiser. Even you know that, if you have been following the postings on the Zambian Observer platform. You are a regular contributor.

      I can’t understand why the writer of the article is associating him with UPND, except that he deliberately wants to mislead people.

  1. This is where Isaac Mwanza has gone after the Bill 10 debacle. I myself have never been persuaded that homosexuality is natural or that there are people born that way. To me homosexuality is like smoking; un-natural and dangerous but some people do it anyway after getting hooked. And this transgender business is absolute crazy and is making the West look ridiculous. There are even claims that transgender “women” have been known to fall pregnant. I despise Donald Trump but when it comes to transgender rights, he and I sing from the same hymn sheet.

  2. No we must uphold our traditions .transgenders are wrong. We cannot allow this in our country. Say no to gay rights.

  3. How unfair some pipo can be. How can a known PF member be said to be a upnd sympathizer just because he’s talking about LGBTQ, I really shudder to think. This business of the HH hate for some pipo will drive them crazy. They can say any thing and every thing about pres. HH, all just to derail his well meaning intentions about mother . It sickens to really imagine.

  4. Isaac mwamba
    Why don’t you take you effing right for these satanic sick people then go and live in the West with your white friends.
    LGBT will not take root in Zambia or Africa but if you push the agenda then you will bring beatings to yourself, you effing chikala

  5. Isaacs Mwanza for your own information Zambia is Christian nation as such tale your madness elsewhere. What rights are you advocating for? I know that you want to secure funds from some satanic NGOs.

    Take your sinful actions and thoughts to the western countries where such useless rights have been accepted.


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