Hichilema’s press conference at State House was nothing but an ill-advised and emotional odyssey heading nowhere

Dr. Fred M'membe


Mr Hakainde Hichilema’s press conference at State House today was nothing but an ill-advised and emotional odyssey heading nowhere.

In typical fashion, Mr Hichilema went all over and everywhere to defend, validate, and justify his administration’s numerous governance, political, and economic misadventures.

But it all amounted to nothing because it was an address laced with anger, deceit, and fantasy. We wonder why and for what, really? If things are not going as planned or promised, which obviously is the case in point, Mr Hichilema ought to realise that neither anger, targeting nor bullying of citizens or political competitors will work. Mr Hichilema is rapidly losing it, and he urgently needs brave and honest people to remind him that no matter the pressure, he must never lose himself in emotions.

He must remain in charge of his emotions and displeasures if sound and less emotive decisions or pronouncements are to come forth. Let him know that his intentionally and emotionally filled outbursts are not helping but rather create a toxic environment. Mr Hichilema is charging the environment with his inability to recognise and improve on his evident weaknesses and failures.

We are all human and, therefore, imperfect. He cannot be a know-it-all. He definitely must stop looking at criticism or disapproval as hatred or aversion deserving the ultimate punishment. Threats of unleashing the army and ordering arrests, detentions, and imprisonment will not work. In fact, that is not only reckless talk but also primitive, barbaric and colonial style of governance, which has led many leaders in history to commit indescribable atrocities just to feed their ego and obsession with power.

Altering the law with the aim of satisfying a specific group of our population is nothing but lawlessness and political disorder borne out of an insecure, obsessed, and divisive leadership. Laws are not amended from an emotive and paranoid premise. Laws are amended to promote justice, fairness, and social order for all regardless of colour, race, ethnicity, and political affiliation. In any case, what will be the point of Mr Hichilema amending the law on tribal hate speech when they have failed to enforce the existing laws reasonably and equitably?

We have said it before that for Mr Hichilema, it seems that practising tribalism is not wrong, but pointing it out is a crime of hate speech. And so far, it seems only people from one side of the country are being arrested, prosecuted, and imprisoned for tribal hate speech. Why? How can it be?

The problem of tribalism can not be simply looked at as a problem of speech (tribal hate speech). There’s a need to look at the practices (tribal practices) that trigger the tribal talk. An audit of Mr Hichilema’s appointments to various positions in state and government institutions will reveal very serious tribal biases. And it is these tribal biases and practices of Mr Hichilema that are generating or fueling tribal talk and displeasure. We can safely say most of the tribal talk going on in the country today is a reaction to Mr Hichilema’s practices that are seen to have tribal biases. His practices have a lot to do with the discourse about tribalism going on in the country today. Trying to clear the tribal smoke (speech) without putting out the tribal fire (practices of Mr Hichilema) will not do.

Arising from this, what unity and tribal harmony can Mr Hichilema preach when he is practising naked divisiveness and disunity? What unity can Mr Hichilema talk about when his government is using the police to enforce the law on tribal hate speech in a highly dangerous and lopsided manner? They can change the law to suit their agenda, but someday soon, the same law will come and haunt them.

Mr Hichilema must know that leadership is not a blank cheque. It is an extremely difficult balancing act where one has to try by all means to give equal amounts of attention, treatment, importance, and time to different contending needs at the same time.

Not all citizens will agree or praise him all the time. Equally, not all citizens are cowards!

Fred M’membe
President of the Socialist Party


  1. Fred, my advice to you is that, if you want to be President, you need total transformation. Get rid of your hatred, prettiness and self-ego. For your information that press conference was excellent! Stop seeing darkness where there’s light!

  2. Jealousy, negativity and ego are your greatest enemy and obstacles. They’re consuming, like cancer, inside you.

  3. The crime HH committed to M’meembe and his cronies is that of being rich and still caring enough to LOWER himself to being national President and save the poor Zambia mothers and children from thieves like Fuledi and Serpent and their cohorts.

    We shall keep ignoring their hate speech but Police will pounce and jail the brigands…

  4. Bo M’membe, HH and all well-meaning Zambians don’t expect any good or positive comment from you because there is no space in your heart for that, it’s full of jealousy, bitterness and hatred. When has the devil ever praised God for his numerous good things that he does for us? From day one he was cast out of heaven, he has never said anything good about God. So is you, since HH ascended to power, when have you ever said anything good or positive about him? For good 7 years, Lungu never held any press conference, he failed to hold even an ill-advised and emotional odyssey one you are talking about. So by your leading nowhere comments, you are just confirming to us that HH is a better leader than his predecessor. As the President put it, these things are temporal, God allows them for a purpose, he is just proving us to know what is in our hearts. Suppose the season was good and we had the bumper harvest we expected, even ND government could have taken praise to itself but God doesn’t want that. God wants us always to remember that it is him who does and gives us everything we need. 2. And thou shalt remember all the way which the LORD thy God led thee these forty years in the wilderness, to humble thee, and to prove thee, to know what was in thine heart, whether thou wouldest keep his commandments, or no. 12. Lest when thou hast eaten and art full, and hast built goodly houses, and dwelt therein; 13. And when thy herds and thy flocks multiply, and thy silver and thy gold is multiplied, and all that thou hast is multiplied; 18. But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day. Deuteronomy 8:2, 12-13, 18. HH is doing well but it’s you who’s going nowhere.

  5. As far as I know, I have never ever heard a Head of State who condemns his government publicly especially on the press conference. That is the more reason why the government has Ministers and hold closed door meetings where the President can lambast his Cabinet members and vice-versa. M’membe, what’s wrong with you!!!!? You will be a BAD President and DICTATOR. ANYWAY,


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