I have planted people in these WhatsApp platforms to check what you say- HH


George N Mtonga writes:

Hakainde Hichilema boss this generation is not hiding anything from you. You don’t need to plant anyone. I can generally summarize what they are saying which is very public.

1. They don’t want caderism.
2. They understand the cost of living is up for a variety of reasons but they would want to know what the solutions are.

3. The loss of electricity is causing problems and their productivity is low. Small busineses who can’t afford generators are the ones suffering ( so the sme ministry that was started that money could be invested in energy).
4. They want more access to student loans

5. The cost of mealie meal which is a stable product is too high
6. They don’t like excessive opposition hunting on charges that the police refuse to provide bail.
7. They think Zambia police is serving your interests

8. They don’t know what value is there in debt restructuring if costs of living is high
9. They are worried about inflation

10. They want all UPND politicians to declare assets and communicate sources of wealth.

To summarize… energy, food, rule of law, police brutality etc… these are the things you will find in many watsapp groups.


  1. Every leader wants to know what the people he or she leads are thinking, saying and possibly doing. It’s called feedback.

  2. I have said before that , there are a group of hardcore UPND specifically hired at State House to insult or naming calling of those with different views or opinions.
    The downfall for hiring these individuals are there to see. They lack critical thinking, communication skills, integrity , honesty, a common man’s language because they are hired for the sore purposes of what the delusional and narcissistic minions want to hear. At this pace you have made too enemies who are sometimes non existent because paranoia and delusional ideas are part and parcel of psychosis.

  3. It is alright as long as they report back the truth. Like I loath cadre violence whether by PF cadres or UPND cadres. I loath a partisan police which selectively enforces the law whether under PF or UPND. I loath corruption whether by PF or UPND.

  4. My take on HH press briefing ……….. Sorry I don’t listen to his speeches.
    They are hollow, flat lacks charisma, inconsistent, directionless and uninspiring.


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