Halwampa is a danger to national security- Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba


Halwampa is a danger to national security

Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba wrote;

The Zambia Development Agency (ZDA) Director General, Alfred Halwampa announced an investment of $72 billion that the Agency is approving from a Vietnamese national in return for six million hectares of land allocated to him.

Zambia has 42 million hectares of arable land.

Below is what the Vietnamese investor, Van Tuy has submitted to President Hakainde Hichilema and the Zambia Development Agency.


  1. Six million hectares of land.
  2. No fees or land rate for 99 years
  3. Exempted from import taxes for goods, machinery, equipment.
  4. VISA exemption for staff on the project.
  5. Citizenship.
  6. No other rice to be grown in Zambia other than the project rice.
  7. Exempt from corporate and income taxes for 20 years.

The above project is a clearly scam. Sadly it has received active attention from ZDA.

With regular announcements and signing made of wayward investment pledges, Halwampa has become a serious danger to this country because of what he is committing to and giving away. He is part of those government officials aiding the wanton sale and parceling out of Zambia and its rare resources.


  1. He just can not help it. He will sell the whole country this conman Hakainde.

    At this rate, for the sake of future generations, even lazy drunkard ECL is much better than this tribalist conman Hakainde. Let us remove this idiot conman out of office in 2026.

  2. It’s not HH who sold the land to this man please do more research and you will be suprised to find out who gave out the land in 2013.

    • So why are they asking for his approval? Do you think this nonsense would go this far if it was nor initiated by Hakainde himself the chief privatisation thief?

      Do you really have to defend nonsense just because it is coming from your tribesmate?

      Pure nonsense.

      • It’s you who’s pure “shit” because of your personal hatred of the most successful President this country has ever had
        Vote wisely vote for HH7 in 2026/31

  3. Surely even if you are very dull, can the Vietnamese government accept this nonsense from any foreign investor. Parliament and house of chiefs should fight this nonsense now and it should be stopped immediately.

  4. Too many fools are put in positions of Authority!
    How do you accept a stupid proposal like this one?
    Zambians must learn to grow their own food! This reliance on outsiders to feed us is shameful!
    What will stop them from poisoning us if they so wished?
    This must be stopped now!

  5. Stop this nonsense. Where can you find 6 million hectares of land that is contigious? Even getting just 20K hectares of that would be a tall order. You even have stupid state newspapers signing praises about such childish investment plans, God help this country.

  6. If what has been published is true, then we have a problem.
    Remember Chiawa fuel from grass scam and placid oil scam under KK
    Remember the Dunlop scam bought company but took all the machinery to Zimbabwe under FTJ
    The Buluba mines under FTJ
    Foreign investors they talk big, but start changing goal posts on the way giving excuses
    But I doubt the clause that makes others not to grow rice except that company, how?

  7. Was this contract negotiated mu tavern or mu bar ninshi ili kuma 03 abantu bakolwa nomba tabaletotonkanya.
    Was this negotiated by educated people??
    Pls tell me its not true.
    I support UPND but have never on my life seen such a stupid contract.

  8. This is high treason. Can the government please give their side of the story. You can’t afford to keep quiet on a matter of this magnitude.

    Giving away 6 million hactres of land for whatever reason is total madness. No investor should be given that much land, not even Bill Gates.


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