Net metering is a process that allows homeowners or energy generators to export excess energy back to the grid and receive compensation


Selling to the grid, also known as net metering, is a process that allows homeowners or energy generators to export excess energy back to the grid and receive compensation for it. Here’s a simplified overview of how it works:

  1. Installation: You install a renewable energy system (e.g., solar panels or wind turbines) connected to your home’s electrical system.
  2. Energy Generation: Your system generates electricity, which is used to power your home.
  3. Excess Energy: If your system produces more energy than your home needs, the excess is fed back into the grid through a specialized meter called a net meter.
  4. Net Metering: The net meter measures the amount of energy you export to the grid and offsets your energy consumption when you need it.
  5. Compensation: If you produce more energy than you consume, your utility company (in this case, ZESCO) compensates you for the excess energy at a predetermined rate.

In Zambia, the cabinet approved net metering on June 10, 2024, allowing consumers to generate electricity for their own use and export excess power to the grid, as mentioned in the post. ZESCO Limited provides more information on their website ( and mobile app


  1. If my area is under load management, how will my power generated from the solar system benefit ZESCO, if say my excess is 10 kWh?
    Do not rush into buying those meters, please.
    Your myopic strategies have brought enough misery. You don’t even have the number of individuals or organizations planning to connect to the grid.
    Like one analyst made, go and put up a solar system.
    Imwe ba ZDA, please, move into ZESCO and effect changes

  2. Interesting that when this very aspect of power was shared on Linkedin a Business development Manager at Zesco rebuked the person who tried suggest the possibility that this could be done.
    Shouldnt the Business Development Manager be offering an apology to the individual he dismissed?
    Some people in some organisations are not worth the salt or add any value to institutions. Without an innovative mind…one has to ask what business one develop


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