Almost 50% of Botswana electricity imports comes from ZESCO


Almost 50% of Botswana electricity imports comes from ZESCO – Botswana WeekendPost news paper.

Minister of energy and ZESCO management have in the recent past issued conflicting statements on how much electricity the parastatal is exporting to other countries.


  1. I urge the the to highlight this very important subject concerning the exportation of electricity and further more give a detailed information on the agreements signed by both parties and when those agreements were signed.In short the citizens are blank no wonder a lot of panic and finger pointing between different political players.The government of the day will do the citizens a good favor if they come out of hibernation and set facts as they are and these short comings will end.

    • You are trying to work out if it was PF that signed these agreements, right?

      You can not just bring yourself to condemn this nonsense. I know the reasons why.

      Vote wisely in 2026.

  2. There’s a contract governing this export of power to Botswana. The government of Botswana promptly pays for this power from Zambia and the foreign exchange enables Zesco to be current in its servicing of hard currency loans the PF committed the company to.

  3. Please interpret facts correctly so that you don’t share ignorance to mislead people. The newspaper story you have shared says Botswana electricity imports increased by 49.1% to 410020 MWh in about a year. And the imports are not from Zambia alone. Read the text please. And if you look at 410020 MWh, it means ther total power import is less than 50 MW, assuming a capacity factor of 1.

  4. Iwe kolwe , Botswana imports 49% of its electricity, according to this article. So kuli iwe , all that 49% is from Zambia?


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