Female Teachers In Limulunga Wake Up To Find Tattoos On Their Bodies And Their Pr!v@te P@rts Sh@v3d Without Their Consent



FEMALE teachers and wives of some teachers at Malala Primary school in Limulunga district are allegedly experiencing bizarre occurrences by schemes of black magic, a situation which is disturbing the delivery of education.

In an interview with ZANIS, Malala Primary school Deputy Head Teacher, Mubiana Siiya said when victims wake up, they find tattoos on their bodies and their private parts shaved without their consent.

Ms Siiya also disclosed that recently they were shocked when they found faecal matter which the community confirmed was acts of black magic.

‘’When some community members and the area Induna were informed, they said they were not human faecal matter but black magic. Currently the community is making donations to find the person who did that,” she stated.

Ms Siiya said such attacks have affected the teachers because they are not sleeping and it is disturbing the literacy progression of the school.

“Our literacy progression of learners is going down because they attack during the night, so you cannot go back to sleep, you stay awake so when you go to classes you are dozing due to tiredness and body fatigue,” she said.

Recently, the District Commissioner and the District Education Board office held a meeting to engage the community so that perpetrators of black magic desist from such acts.

However, Ms Siiya said that after the four days holiday suspected witches struck again and attacked the wife of a newly deployed teacher.

When asked if the school teachers are active in scripture union at the school to overcome such black magic activities, Ms Siiya said when the affected teachers had a conversation with the District Education Standards Officer (DESO) and Education Standards Officer, the teachers just requested to be transferred somewhere else.

Limulunga District Commissioner, Lutangu Lutangu bemoaned the recent suspected witchcraft schemes at Malala primary school affecting the wellbeing of female teachers.

Mr Lutangu said such practices inflict fear in teachers and is a barrier to the education of the learners and the government’s agenda to promote access to quality education.

“We are very shocked to hear that witchcraft attacks took place at Malala, these are some things we used to hear happening in distant schools. This should come to an end because it is disturbing education delivery,” he said.

Meanwhile, Limulunga Living Word Church International Overseer, Reverend Daniel Nawa said the teachers can only secure protection through the name and authority of Jesus Christ.

Rev Nawa said Limulunga Pastors Fellowship is ready to be engaged by the office of the District Commissioner and the District Education Board Secretary to go to the school and minister to the land and teachers.

N.B: Picture for illustration purposes


  1. I urge the school teachers to organise themselves and start prayer and fasting against the village witches. Bring genuine pastors to me and destroy the alters built against them.
    The name of Jesus is bigger than the biggest witch or wizard.

    • Yes, same as you dont have all knowledge on earth. You hv lnowledge of physics, or Chemistry so also you dont hv lnowledge pf witchcraft. Dont expose yourself anyhow

  2. Simple solution, All affected teachers try put matches under your pillows or under the bottom bedsheets each time you go to sleep.

  3. These female teachers are always faling anything to do with sex. Even at work, their first excuse is on sex. Is it this boring by now? People common. Why are males not giving the same excuses cos Witch is actually a female juju operator,, meaning , there is more female(Witches) than there is male juju practioners which means it’s more male that are abused in their sleep than females. So of this fiction was tru3, we could ve more male complaints than females. Ministry or Educational, don’t transfer them, infact, send them further into the remotest villages. If they don’t want, just fire!

  4. Don’t doubt the complaints of teachers from Limulunga, and if any thing the teachers at a school in Chipata also had a similar situation.In some rural areas such complaints are heard not only from teachers but even clinical officers and nurses as well as agriculture civil servants.The solution is what is needed because the matter is not political but social challenge which requires Chiefs, headmen and clergies to intervene.The perpetrators must be threatened with ejection and evictions once they are discovered.That is witch craft and primitive behaviour which is detrimental to development.People in the rural can actually enjoy life if certain behaviour as this one is stopped.President had been talking about “zwelopili” development.Now how do you develop with such primitive conduct? The community leadership must sought out the matter, they are capable.


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