Some students at the Copperbelt University Main Campus in Kitwe in the late hours of yesterday rioted and looted, among others, COBUSU shops within the campus due to a water interruption.

Sanfrossa Manyinda Mberi reports that the students who ran amok around 23:00 got away with mostly food items and other groceries from the shops as one of their ways to vent their anger for not having running water for almost 48 hours at the campus.

Earlier, before the riots erupted, COBUSU Interim President Edgar Chiingu communicated to the student populace that the water interruption was the result of an inoperative 3.3 kV transformer that powers the five pumps at the Bulangililo Water Treatment Plant, at least as advised by Nkana Water and Sewerage Company (NWSC).

And NWSC Public Relations Manager Bivan Saluseki said the firm is working with ZESCO and is currently in the process of installing the replacement, and water should be restored soon enough.

But as a way of trying to manage the problem, three water bowsers, two of which supplied water to the students on campus and the other which supplied the lecturers and the students residing near the lecturers’s compound, were organised.

Meanwhile, despite being advised to draw water from the bowsers on campus as the issue was being looked into, the students rioted as they complained that the solution offered was not enough.

Mr. Saluseki said the works at the Bulangililo Water Treatment Plant, which have affected water supply to the north of Kitwe, are still in progress.

He said affected areas include Kamatipa, Racecourse Garneton, Riverside, Parklands, Bulangililo, Kwacha East, East of Kwacha, Old Kwacha, Chimwemwe, Kawama, Mindolo North & West, Industrial Area, Buyantanshi, Kamitondo, and Buchi Townships.


  1. Let us not use the messaging language ati students vented their anger by destroying the shops? The students stole from the shops kwasila and they’re identified they should be arrested.

  2. We don’t expect hooliganism from intellectuals. They need to use their brains to bring the grievances to light.

    This unchecked stupidity is the cause of substandard leadership in positions of authority these young lads will find themselves.

    This unjust action must be punished decesively to bring sanity in these institutions of higher learning.

    Honestly how does an innocent person selling goods for their benefit become the target of their so called stupid misplaced anger.

    This type of nonsense should not be tolerated nor encouraged.

    We wait for action against some of these thugs hidding behind the student cover.

    Very disappointing. The loss and damage musy be deducted from their allowances. This will teach them to be law abidding instead of foolish thugs.

    What a waste of tax payers money.

  3. Pinch them where it hurts. Sum up all the values of goods looted, damages and other destructions, bill them to all student starting with students leaders.
    Next time they will use brain, not stomach.

  4. Intellectuals?? My foot, going into a university does not make one an Intellectual, what university does is bake the smart ones into Intellectuals. Seriously, how do you call these half baked teenagers Intellectuals? Why do we like titles that don’t fit our intelligence.
    What is intelligent about destroying plant, equipment and properties? Plain stupidity and thieving mentality.

  5. The problem is that praise singers fail to read between the lines and understand what’s objectively causing students to vent out in this manner. Look at the number of students on campus, the resulting demand of water & the public health risks that arise because of a lack of water. If water is a problem, the institution should request those that can return to their families to do so because waste needs water in order to manage that waste. Government needs to manage water and electricity to institutions of higher learning much better, celebrating the arrest of 4 students is missing the point!

  6. Because they have free education they think everything is free. The damage will have to be paid for. What is the logic in looting your campus shops?

  7. You guys misunderstand “intellectual” . The word doesn’t mean intelligent as you imply. It just separates mental tasks from practical tasks. A blue collar worker or technician can be more intelligent but it’s only that he is trained in practical trades or professions.

  8. This is sabotage and thefts. The students who will be found must be imprisoned.
    Why’s it that when students are closer to write exams they result to riots.
    Ninshi fikopo no wonder we are facing challenges of intellectuals in industry.

  9. Such riots by university students need to be criminalized and punished severely such that it should never happen again. In the past they have even stoned innocent motorists. Students need to learn to respect authority and to be law abiding citizens. What justification do these students to riot just because a pump is damaged. Young people must be made to understand the value of good behavior and not have mentality of entitlement. Please CBU authorities and police act decisively.

  10. This stupid criminal act of sabotage and hooliganism is totally unacceptable in our society let alone a university.
    Those involved in that wanton destruction and theft are individuals in a wrong place. Take them to where they belong. Authorities must deal with them mercilessly teach them a lesson and detour would be offenders. They are a disgusting and senseless lot.

  11. There is no excuse for sin. Those who fear God will never riot . In life there are challenges and it is wise to be patient.

  12. They say water is life and the students must be supplied with water adequately.They can’t enjoy their education at a school where there is no water.However, reacting in such a manner which is babaric is not acceptable.The calprits must be delt with accordingly they are foolish and they are disgracing their families.This must not happen again.

  13. So when you delay buying food at home your kids must break the house windows to stress the fact that government at your house has failed to provide the basic necessities at home.

    See how ridiculous your point sounds. What happened to communication between the parent and the children. This is how stakeholders should behaviour. Going around breaking public property is a stupid way of airing views.

    In fact it is so backward. Imagine them running out of tissue to use.where will the get this in the night. Suddemly this headstrong argument is not showing hygen is it.

    The point is don’t pick on other innocent people trying to make a living and destroy their hard earn assets. No amount of reasoning will ever justify this stupid action period.


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