How come there is money to steal yet no money for medicine – questions Mpika Member of Parliament


How come there is money to steal yet no money for medicine – questions Mpika Member of Parliament

…as Calls for Accountability and Action in Zambia’s Fight Against Corruption….

Lusaka, 26 July, 2024

Amidst growing concerns over corruption and the management of public resources, a call for greater accountability and action has been made by Mpika Mp, highlighting the urgent need for systemic changes to ensure fair and transparent governance.

In a recent statement, Mpika Mp Hon. Francis Kapyanga voiced frustration over the perceived selective enforcement of anti-corruption measures, which appear to target political opponents rather than addressing corruption across all levels of government.

“The fact that there is corruption must be generated and it must affect everyone involved,” Mp emphasized. “If a ruling party’s youth member is involved in fraudulent activities, it is a clear manifestation of corruption.”

One of the most pressing issues raised is the lack of immediate action against those implicated in corrupt practices. The Mp cited a recent incident involving a ruling party youth member who allegedly sold property fraudulently, leading to violent confrontations. Despite these serious allegations, no firings or investigations have been initiated.

“If you genuinely want to fight corruption, the people involved in every corrupt act must first be fired, then investigated, so that investigations can smoothly run,” Mp argued.

Hon. Kapyanga also pointed out the stark contrast between the availability of funds for personal enrichment and the lack of resources for essential development projects.

“How come there is money for stealing, and there is no money for development?” The Mp questioned.

Hon. Kapyanga has since called on Zambian citizens to prepare for the 2026 elections by registering to vote and actively participating in the electoral process.

“Every youth, every woman, every man must register as a voter today and start dusting their voters’ cards now,” Mp urged. “Come 2026, on voting day, everyone in their numbers should go and vote to bring about the change needed.”

He further called for action extended to civil society organizations, particularly Transparency International, and other key stakeholders, including labor movements and the church. Mp emphasized their crucial role in providing oversight and advocating for the Zambian people.

“You have a duty to help the Zambian people oversight those charged with the responsibility to manage the nation’s affairs,” the MP said.

As Zambia grapples with high poverty levels and increasing allegations of grand corruption, the demand for transparency, accountability, and active civic engagement has never been more urgent. The figures alleged to have been stolen are described as “heartbreaking,” particularly in the context of widespread poverty.

In concluding his statement, the Mp expressed gratitude to those committed to fighting corruption and urged continued vigilance and action.

“The figures being revealed are shocking, and this is happening at a time when poverty levels are very high. We must all work together to ensure that our leaders are held accountable and that resources are used for the benefit of all Zambians.”


  1. We should just abolish the current system of governance.

    We do not need to have a president at all. They have proved to be useless, and just thieves. Colonial puppets.

    Vote wisely in 2026.


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