State persecuting ECL, Esther – KDC


State persecuting ECL, Esther – KDC

The seizure of properties belonging to former First Lady Esther Lungu on mere suspicion that they are allegedly proceeds of crime without linking the said properties to any crime is political witch-hunt, vindictiveness and persecution targeted at the people from Eastern Province, the Kum’mawa Development Coalition (KDC) has charged.

On Tuesday, the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) Anti-Money Laundering Unit seized two properties in Ibex Hill belonging to Mrs Lungu on suspicion that they could be proceeds of crime but did not link the said properties to any criminal activity.

KDC spokesperson Chanoda Ngwira described the act as mere political witch-hunt targeted at Easterners but being done under the guise of pursuing the former First Lady and harassing former president Edgar Lungu.


  1. Mushe this Chanoda, what does he want? People are pursuing corrupt acts and only to make such careless tribal or regional remarks. I wished we had laws that could cause such to account for their rantings.

  2. Someone was busy stealing and now when you ask them how did you aquire these things because they don’t match your income then you call it persecution.

    • KDC, stop smoking weed, even a child born today can doubt some people’s wealth because it does not tally and it is not about a region, you now sound like a broken record each time you talk about tribe

  3. All that is required is to explain where the resources for acquiring the properties came from. This is not persecution at all.

  4. What a shallow mind. This what happens when low IQ individuals are allowed to make public statements. Even dog faeces are better smelling.

  5. ELC is a thief from the begining. Remember the widow case. He initiated gullible Ester and children in his misdemeanors. Now chickens are coming to roost. Please DEC follow up on those monies he was giving to churches and cadres. Ba zayaona matako ya njoka

  6. Edgar Lungu was one of the PF parliamentarians who voted to remove Rupiah Banda’s presidential immunity from prosecution. As it happens, Rupiah Banda was from Eastern province. Chanoda Ngwira may wish to apply his mind to that.

  7. Hichilema and his group will also be treated the same way, and investigations will go back to privatization period. Everybody who benefited from privitization of parastatal companies will be prosecuted!

    • Ba Mandanda, your song about HH and the privatization process is boring. PF tried it’s best to nail HH in every conceivable way, including charging him with treason for a traffic offence, but they failed miserably.

      If you are hoping HH will be successfully prosecuted over the privatization process, you are wasting your time. In case you do not know, Mr. Lungu also benefited from privatization as did many other lawyers and accountants. They were legally engaged by the Chiluba government as consultants.

      If there were any illegalities by HH, the PF would not have spared him and you know that.

  8. This is the most foolish “wako ni wako” defence one has ever heard. According to this KDC clown no corrupt easterner must be investigated or prosecuted. It is a tragedy sharing a country with people who consider stealing and corruption as normal ways of life.

  9. How can a responsible “Top notch Lawyer” and his wife fail to account for their unexplained Wealth?
    Is it not the Ubomba Mwibala ubuchenjeshi bwankoko?


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