By Chanoda Ngwira F

The retired General, Dr Edgar Lungu has made public his intention to return to the frontline, spearheading the battle against this failed regime of Mr Hakainde Hichilema.

With the scent of political turmoil thickening in the air, this audacious step demands a recalibration of ranks. When a figure of seniority and authority re-enters the fray, it is imperative for lieutenants and those of other ranks to heed the unspoken code of engagement. In this volatile arena, the echo of power struggles past hints at an impending clash of titans, where subordinates must navigate the shifting sands of allegiance and duty.

Former President Lungu’s proclamation, born from discontent with the present leadership, thrusts a dilemma upon the lower ranks. As the battle lines are drawn and loyalties tested, the imperative for junior figures to step aside and offer support from the rear becomes glaringly apparent. In the face of a resurgent force from the past, unity must prevail, not through blind obedience, but through a strategic alliance that best serves the collective goal.

The forthcoming electoral battleground of 2026 beckons with uncertainty and foreboding, a stage where leadership dynamics will be tested and alliances reshaped. The resolve of lieutenants and foot soldiers to adapt and strategize in the face of a retired General’s return will ultimately determine the outcome of this political warfare. As the drums of conflict beat louder, only those who grasp the subtleties of hierarchy and the nuances of power will emerge unscathed in the aftermath.

In the crucible of electoral combat, the mantra remains clear, when former giants dance back into the fray, it is the lieutenants’ duty to know their place, navigate the stormy waters of upheaval, and uphold the banner of unity in the face of looming discord.

(Chanoda Ngwira is a public Administrator, teacher, former Trade Unionist, politician, writer and political commentator. For private engagement, email: and


  1. This Ngwira chap does he know the law? Today is the second time he has made such a statement.
    Mark my words this blood thirsty youngman doesnt understand the gravity of such loose words….Proverbs asks us to guard our tongues.

  2. The symptoms of selfishness.It is good and normal to be shy.When one lucks that then just know that there is a problem.

  3. Kkk…testing the waters. The methods of serpents. It is a well known fact just come out and declare than using sarrogates to test the waters. Facts be told the beating was too much 1million votes difference, it is still a nightmare and so painful…..

  4. While sponsors incline to their political masters whom they prefer over all others. It is important not to be lost in the political gimmicks and overzealous attitudes.

    This caderism tendency can arise from any political party by the way. The safest way to determine the character of the prospective leader being showcased is to dwell on the thing they can not dress up to fool the unsuspecting voters. It never fails everytime. Their fruit.

    Do not Concentrate on their words only, which are usually coated with exaggerated unrealistic character images. Simply Just check on their fruit coming out of their Character through their actions. This hits the spot every time.

    The Bible advises that you will know any individual by paying attention to the fruit that is produced out of the real character they are. That’s it. History and current affairs is a good teacher at giving lessons on these important observations.

    It is time for all well meaning voters to dig in very diligently into the fruits (Character straits) of these leaders from all political parties. This guide will eventually automatically expose those who are imposters and misfits whose main purpose is to be served and not to serve.

    Prayer is a very important tool to bring to light all hidden facts of the leaders aspiring leadership positions. This will enable people to make informed decisions. By comparing their true nature and their actual actions rather than on well crafted words. The mismatch can not be hidden.

    Currently some individuals think its their responsibility to aid us execute this very wise process. This is a big problem as most just out right lie. They can offer you the moon to live on, given a chance to sell their agenda.

    No political party is exempt from this very important process. Leaving this to politicians alone to manage has always gotten us into a ditch of regret. It will be 60 years this October. We need to out grow and correct this anormally.

    Remember, Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a diferent result. Let us take this higher because the stakes are bigger than ever before. It should be carified that at the end of the day its the fault of the voters for unwisely and carelessly choosing the wrong ill equiped leadership to manage over affairs with dignity, Integrity and with a high level of accountability.

    Every Political party in the country should not be afraid of this. Let’s debate their fruits and real characters not abstract wishful thinking.

  5. I guess even baboons can dream
    If any Zambians bites for Lungu or PF should suffer and remain hungry.
    We are watching 2026… died a long time ago
    Lungu = satan nyoko


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