Lungu, Mmembe and the JJ Banda scheme



Lungu, Mmembe and the JJ Banda scheme

Thursday, 8th August 2024

LUSAKA – There is discernable corroboration between the escape from lawful custody of lawmaker Jay Jay Banda and comments from some opposition political party leaders.

Two days after leader of Socialist Party Fred Mmembe and former President Edgar Lungu sympathised with the criminality of Banda, the lawmaker escaped from custody via the sacred walls of the hospital.

The two opposition leaders went on the offensive, defending a man who stands accused of aggravated robbery, a charge that has no bail.

Society seems to have lost its moral campus.

How, on mother earth, would supposed respected leaders defend criminality?

Have Dr Mmembe and Mr Lungu, both lawyers, forgotten so easily about the mayhem Banda caused just a few years ago? We don’t think so.

We believe the two leaders are not only playing a political card but may be involved in the choreographed escape of Banda.

In all honesty, we expect the two leaders to help government cement the rule of law, especially that they are lawyers. Of course, their pedigree as lawyers is for Zambians to authenticate.

Ours is to expose an obvious dotted line between their observations and escape of Banda.

Zambians should begin to ask the two leaders serious moral and political questions.

Economic Front leader Wynter Kabimba was rather more forthright, saying the escape is part of a scheme to destabilise the country. We wouldn’t agree more with him.

Instead of aiding suspects to escape, as the case seems to be, Dr Mmembe and Mr Lungu should join hands with government to fight any form of criminality wherever it may be.

As things stand, it is difficult to divorce the two from the escape of Mr Banda.

Circumstantially, they are active players and should be answerable to Zambians.

Has it not dawned on Zambians that the purported illness of Mr Banda was possibly a creation of the two to facilitate the escape?

How would a man their cronies told us would soon be a double amputee find the muscle to escape?

This was clearly a morbid scheme whose end will boomerang terribly.




  1. Some young people don’t seem to be sharp I wonder why the young man agreed to to be used in the dangerous scheme and for how long will he be in hiding.This will be like self imposed house arrest.With this high offer from police a good number of people are high alert to make a “kama capital” so everyone is checking on the where abouts.One can make a weekend special.Iam sure young people in former Fort Jameson are highly alert.I think even in other towns young people are geared to mint.For those abroad probably they are asking if they can participate in the search exercise.”Ha Kuna ku lala”.


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