… says the high unemployment and cost of living are not helping Zambians


CITIZENS First President Harry Kalaba says he will not give Zambians unrealistic promises that the UPND have failed to fulfill.

Speaking on KBN TV, Mr. Kalaba said most promises made by the UPND have not been fulfilled.

Mr.Kalaba said the highest cost of living and unemployment levels are not helping the people of Zambia.

“Most promises have not been met by the UPND government. High unemployment levels and cost of living are not helping our people. Citizens First daily duty is to ensure that we study the environment and see how we can help solve the challenges that our people are going through so that we can work around that and I can report that we are firmly on the saddle and we are explaining to the people what we will do once we are given chance to form government in 2026,” Mr. Kalaba said.

“We are telling people that we are not just going to make promises that are unrealistic, remember the promises of 10hrs sworning in and the Dollar to Kwacha ratio reducing, these kinds of jokes we are not telling our people. We are telling our people that when you put us in government we will ensure that we bring back the glorious days when Late Kenneth Kaunda was President, ” the former Foreign Affairs Minister said.

And Mr. Kalaba said industrialization is at the epicenter of economic growth in Zambia.

He said Zambia has become a trading center and that there is need to promote value addition to most raw materials produced by the country.


  1. “We are telling our people that when you put us in government we will ensure that we bring back the glorious days when Late Kenneth Kaunda was President, ” the former Foreign Affairs Minister [Kalaba]said.
    Mr. Kalaba is in dreamland. You need to be a John Magufuli or a Paul Kagame for Zambia to regain the glory years. Not the greedy and selfish “salaula” politicians we currently have in Zambia. Those days are gone forever. You all want to become presidents so that you also can give “small gifts” to your children.

  2. I now see why the UPND boosts that they ll be in power for the next 40yrs. Now makes sense and 60% true. There is no opposition in the next 10yrs to unseat these guys, don’t even touch 2026 which is 1 year away. When someone scans at the current political landscape, they ve to be able to see a future or near president the way HH was seen all these years. But now, he is out opposition and his vacuum is there to be felt. No one giving real pressure or even trying abit. All of them are either busy day dreaming or politically musturbating.

  3. The glorious old Kaunda days? Are you serious ba Kalaba? How old were you when Super Ken reigned supreme? I lived through the Kaunda days, good and bad.

    If they were so glorious why did we vote out Super Ken? You mean we Zambians are so foolish as to drop a good thing and go for a bad one?

    Yes, Zambian was glorious from 1964 to 1974. After that we were on a slippery slope headed for the bottom. By 1991 Zambia had totally collapsed.


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