The relentless hatred and persecution of the 6th President of Zambia, Edgar Lungu, by the ruling UPND is utterly unacceptable and must cease immediately. This vicious cycle of hatred dates back to 2015 when President Lungu first contested the presidency, with the UPND resorting to despicable tactics such as producing a fake medical report falsely claiming he was HIV-positive and was not fit to be President.

The UPND’s refusal to recognize President Lungu’s election victories in 2015 and 2016 further exacerbated tensions between the two parties, creating a toxic political environment that has only intensified since they assumed power. As a Christian nation, Zambia should not tolerate hatred in leadership, and it is our collective responsibility to promote love, respect, and unity.

If the UPND had shown love and respect towards President Lungu from the outset, the country would not be experiencing the current levels of political tension, division, and strife. Unfortunately, even in power, the UPND continues to display hatred, with President Hichilema publicly insulting opponents, including 6Th President Lungu, and perpetuating a culture of intolerance and vindictiveness.

Former President Lungu has been subjected to persecution, including physical, mental, and emotional abuse, as well as persecution of his family, friends, and allies styled as Prosecution for corruption. This is a result of the UPND’s hatred, which has divided the nation and undermined our democratic values.

As the Patriotic Front, we will continue to show love and respect towards the UPND, as demonstrated by our acceptance of their election victory. However, we will not accept the ongoing abuse and insults directed at President Lungu, and we demand that the UPND leadership takes immediate action to stop this mistreatment.

We urge all peace loving Zambians, youths and women to reject this mistreatment and stand up for respect and dignity in politics. We must work together to build a Zambia where differences are tolerated, and opposing views are respected. Our country faces numerous challenges, and we cannot afford to be distracted by petty hatred and persecution.

Issued by:

Francis Robert Kapyanga
Provincial Youth Chairperson
Patriotic Front
Muchinga Province


  1. Kapyanga must pyanga the dirty under carpet of ECL. Do you want to be reminded who ECL is?
    It’s wonderful that God removed this blood thirsty man out of power. Who said he shall arrest HH and make him rot in prison when he hand over power to himself?
    Think before you lip.
    Edgar is enjoying today because HH is a good man. I don’t want to be reminded of ECL’s past tenses. Ba Lungu was and still a bitter pill to many Zambians.

  2. Lungu gets what he dishes out. “If you dont want to get mud on your clothes, dont play with pigs” is what they.
    Politics is said to be a dirty game. Lastly, dont lie and go around name calling without substance. “If you live in a glass house, dont throw stones”….


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