President HAKAINDE HICHILEMA has commended the SADC-Organ Troika on Politics, Defence, and Security Cooperation for its efforts in addressing regional challenges.

President HICHILEMA, who chaired the virtual meeting being, held in Zimbabwe, said he is pleased with the support from member States.

The President is happy that peace has continued to prevail in the member states even after the election period.

He assured that Zambia will continue to support peace, security, and stability even after his tenure.

President HICHILEMA who assumed the Chairmanship of the SADC-Organ Troika in August 2023 will hand over to Tanzanian President SAMIA SULUHU HASSAN.

Speaking at the same event, SADC Executive Secretary ELIAS MAGOTSI thanked President HICHILEMA’s exemplary leadership during his tenure.

Mr. MAGOTSI expressed hope that President HICHILEMA will give support to President HASSAN.


President Hakainde Hichilema has stayed away from this year’s SADC Summit taking place in Zimbabwe.

He said they are pressing issues at home that need his presence.

Hichilema who is the outgoing chair for political and security however addressed the Summit virtually.

After his address on Friday, Hichilema issued the message below:

Fellow Citizens,

Yesterday we were honoured to virtually participate and Chair the Southern African Development Community (SADC) organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation, during the organ Troika Summit of Heads of State and Government currently underway in Harare, Zimbabwe.

In our remarks, we regretted that we were unable to be in Harare due to pressing national matters that required our presence here at home.

We however expressed our gratitude to His Excellency President Emmerson Mnangagwa, the government and the people of the Republic of Zimbabwe for the warm reception and gracious hospitality to the Heads of State and the Zambian delegation.

We thanked their Excellencies for their invaluable support rendered to us and indeed Zambia during our tenure as Chairperson of the Organ.

The Organ is the backbone of SADC, as it seeks to promote peace, security and political stability, without which socio-economic development would not be realised in our region.

We have pledged our full support to the incoming Chairperson for the Organ, the President of the United Republic of Tanzania, Dr. Samia Suluhu Hassan. We pledged to continue playing our role as the outgoing Chair in the remainder of this year and the year coming.

In our report to the organ, we noted that the political and security situation in the region has generally remained stable, notwithstanding some challenges in a few member states.

Hakainde Hichilema
President of the Republic of Zambia


  1. So you think we Zambians don’t know why you haven’t gone to Harare. This is the problem of not being diplomatic! You have not gone to SADC because you are fearing to meet president Mnangagwa! In 3 years you have made lots enemies , of which no other president of Zambia has taken us through that route! And surprisingly you call yourself as the “best” president of Zambia when you are actually the worst, even developing enemity with Zimbabwe! And all other politicians in Zambia are your enemies! Upnd will suffer in the near future!

    • Its being wise and not fear. Why would one fear an old croc who is failing to address the issues in his own country deflecting to his neighbours? Its visible that the two have nothing in common in their outlook.
      Look at how quickly the Zambia Congo issue has been resolved. Look at how we have dealt with our own internal criminal agitators like Mmembe who seek to take sides in issues of the Congo. Which is not our place.

  2. Dr Hakainde Hichilema’s legacy. Creating enemies everywhere. Zambia is peace. This path the god – President is pursuing is not ours. This is not who we are.
    We are Peace.. Misfits shouldn’t destroy this.


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