PF members face problems today due to Lungu’s carelessness and weakness- Romeo Kangombe



If Edgar Lungu had disciplined JJ Banda, people would have forgotten his atrocities. If Lungu hadn’t illegally put Francis Muchemwa on the ZESCO payroll, Muchemwa would be a free man today.

The Lungu family’s involvement in public resources has led to their current troubles. In contrast, the Mwanawasa children live peacefully, untouched by scandal.

Kaiser Zulu and Muchemwa felt emboldened by Lungu’s lack of discipline, terrorizing citizens and abusing public resources. Dalitso’s 69 vehicles and filling station, Faith Musonda’s millions – all symbols of unchecked power.

PF members face problems today due to their own leadership’s carelessness and weakness. Lungu has not learnt a lesson, he has continued putting young people in problems by aiding them to escape justice.

President Hakainde Hichilema, on the other hand, shows tough love by telling UPND members to refrain from violence and instructing police to arrest those who break the law. He’s protecting them from future calamities.

Learn from this: firm parenting and accountability are crucial. Sometimes, telling your children “you’re on your own” is the toughest and most necessary act of love.

Romeo Kangombe
Sesheke Member of Parliament


  1. Hmmmm I Love this gentleman. When he stands to speak he speaks points!!

    For sure HH is protecting his people from future calamities!!! Love you Romeo Kang’ombe!!
    Hehehe niyolula nkhani!!

  2. I second honourable, you are straight to the point.They will be running one by one.If we are not careful many will disappear by end of the year. Management of PF members or supporters was poor.It was free for all.There was no order.HH must be praised for advising his members on conduct,because Zambia is for all.And opportunities are for all Zambians regardless of political affiliations.That is leadership.Viva HH keep it up ba President.


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