I have been scanning our country, checking behaviours of people – Hichilema


I have been scanning our country, checking behaviours of people – Hichilema

PRESIDENT Hakainde Hichilema says he has been scanning the country in order to check and know the behaviours of citizens in light of the drought.

Speaking during the funeral service of former first lady Maureen Mwanawasa yesterday, President Hichilema stated that his observation seeks to know how people react to difficulties in life.

“I have been scanning our country, checking the behaviors of people in a drought year like this, how are they responding to the drought?
How are people behaving, are they using the drought as an opportunity for energy, getting to irrigate to produce more food?” questioned President Hichilema.

“I want us to learn from difficulties because difficulties are an opportunity depending on how your brain is framed, you can see value from difficulties.”

The President also connected this attribute to the late Maureen stating that people ought to learn from the short life she lived where she did a lot for society even when she felt ill.

He said as a country, in times of difficulties, there’s need for every citizen to celebrate and look for an opportunity in whatever problem it may be.

“You can learn from the short life she lived, we who are likely to have longer lives, what are we doing with our long lives,” said the head of State.

” It’s a question I leave you to answer privately, whisper to your partner that HH asked me a question and this is my answer.

By Catherine Pule

Kalemba, August 20, 2024


  1. The President was in short trying to encourage people to develop some initiative when they encounter unexpected challenges in any given circumstances not only in terms of drought.The late Dr Maureen Mwanawasa continued to work for the people even when she was unwell. We must learn to endure and continue to look for alternatives than just lamenting through and through.Life is not handled that way you must expect rough times in life and find ways to struggle and come out of that situation.Now you want to start finger pointing trying to find who to blame.No no no nay.

    • Muleta you are a wise man….difficult times bring out true character. Fight to overcome difficulty or flight live in denial and attack others for an issue that they sometimes have no bearing on.

  2. Jata Bulenge, thanks for your understanding.There are some people who labour to understand simple logic.This is what is disturbing progress.The President has been preaching a lot of sense on how to work but some people are just in teachable.Or they learn in a hard way.They need teachers for special education.Those teachers have time to make their clients understand the lessons.So it’s not easy at all.But let’s not get tired.

  3. Does the president understand how resilient Zambians are?
    The Maize he exported to Tanzania and DRC was produced through the sweat and resilience of Zambians!
    All that Zambians need is an enabling environment to thrive.
    This is exactly what Levy Patrick Mwanawasa did:
    1. Lowered interest rates
    2. Reduced the Exchange rate to K5 to a USD
    3. Reduced the Fuel cost
    4. Reduced the cost of doing business in general.
    5. Incentivized the Diaspora to invest back home through waiving of import duties.

    Trouble is our current president is out of touch with the reality of things on the ground. Let him go muma komboni and see how people are hustling and surviving. Instead of blaming the suffering masses and finding excuses for your failures as a government, you should count yourselves lucky that you are not yet faced with riots for the very high cost of living under your watch.
    Just go ahead and effect your ZESCO tariffs and see how hell breaks loose!
    You have taken Zambians for a ride for too long! You can’t be increasing things everyday and expect people to remain quiet!
    Wait and see how your nativity will cost you politically!
    We really wanted you to succeed but you don’t have what it takes!
    You only got rich through Privatization corruption! Nothing to admire!

  4. Whe UPND came to power farmers who were delayed payments for their maize by PF government and voted for UPND with the hope to be paid quickly were waiting anxiously for their money.UPND which found resources plundered by PF had no choice but to sell part of the maize to pay farmers who were crowding banks across the farming areas especially Chipata,Kaoma,Kapiri,Kabwe and Ndola.FRA was bothered by farmers for their hard earned money.The big question is where was the money going to be found to pay farmers if the selling didn’t happen?

    • Just imagine!
      The problem with PF people they behave foolishly at times and selfishly. They want to boost on maize that was not theirs but for the farmers. If Pf government didn’t grab the maize on pretence that they will pay, farmers would still have sold their maize to DRC and Tanzania faster and actually before the 2021 elections. So, what the new government did was to give the farmers what was theirs.
      PF pls stop claiming for things that were not yours pls we understand your level of thinking but pls stop repeating this.

  5. Maize sold-maize sold story does not hold any strength in a critical analysis arena. The thing to think about is who was the owner of that maize? It belonged to the farmers who were not paid and surely how would they continue producing for you to simply eat. Absolute nonsense..

  6. I commend the president on this one. Behavioral change is key to development. Alternative sources are àlmost always sustainable. People’s mind sets on spending, gardening not farming, poultry, livestock, electricity or power ùsage, social interactions, eating and work times,etc have changed over a few years. People should not always think politics or government can better there lives to there expectations or what is promised during elections.

  7. Muleta, you are a liar like your president. Government has means of generating funds from taxes to pay farmers. Selling strategic reserve maize was not a solution. If useless PF failed to pay farmers on time, this government could have looked for alternatives to raise funds. Even the 20% ZCCH-IH your government sold to their friends could have liquidated the local debt to farmers.

    • Mr Musonda, your reasoning is very good and understandable, I only wish I was owing you money or if I knew someone who owes you money I was going to tell him to give you a story that he is still looking for money to pay you for the car that you supplied to him and yet you can still see your car parked in his yard covered nicely in a tent and you have another customer who needs that very car and he has cash in his hands in dollars.
      I wonder if you surely wait for the story of this man to find some source of paying you while you continue in suffering and not even being able to farm the next season.

      Let’s be realistic when we talk about these things, government is you


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