Government warns of mealie meal causing lung, liver damage, 400 dogs die after consuming


Government warns of mealie meal causing lung, liver damage, 400 dogs die after consuming

HEALTH Minister, Elijah Muchima has informed the nation of the recent Mpox outbreak in the country which has been detected to be caused by the presence of toxins in the maize meal which is being sold on the Zambian market and has been responsible for the death of about 400 dogs.

The contaminated mealie meal also strikes to be deadly to humans as it is capable of causing acute lung and liver damage, while the Mpox outbreak can also be contaminated through sexual contacts.

Recently, health investigations have proven that some maize which is on the market contains of toxin, Aflatoxin, which collapses the human lungs and destroys kidneys.

Despite that the revelation, government has not revealed the mealie meal brand, but however assured that the ministry has commenced investigation into the spread of the toxins which is believed to be on the Zambian Market already.

Mpox, formerly known as monkeypox, is a viral zoonotic disease that can be transmitted from animals to humans and, in recent cases, between humans through close contact.

The disease typically begins with symptoms such as fever, headache, muscle aches, and swollen lymph nodes, followed by a rash that evolves from blisters to dry crusts.

And on a positive note, the minister said Zambia has not recorded any cases of Monkeypox recently as samples from suspected cases have been tested, and all have returned as negative results.

“It is with great concern that I address the nation regarding the detection of harmful toxin levels in select maize meals. An alarming number of dogs have died in the past month. Mpox can result in severe illness, particularly among vulnerable groups such as children, pregnant women, and individuals with compromised immune systems.”

“The case fatality rate for Mpox is three percent higher than that seen during the recent cholera outbreak. The virus is primarily spread through direct contact with bodily fluids, lesion material, or respiratory droplets during prolonged close contact,” the minister said.

He added that other forms of contamination include materials such as beddings and clothing.

“Sexual contact is another recently identified mode of transmission,” he said.

As prevention serves to be the most effective mode of avoiding Mpox, the minister said the Ministry of Health will launch a nationwide public awareness campaign to educate citizens about it, its symptoms, and preventive measures.

These activities will occur with a heightened surveillance and active case detection on all borders of the coutry.

To imply the seriousness of the Mpox outbreak which has been reported in most countries in the African region, the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared Mpox a global health emergency, and a public health continental significance.


  1. Collapsing lungs… is this the same influenza that Masebo was talking about? We need to know the brand of maize meal so we can do away with it. Under normal circumstances there should be an urgent recall of the product. What are you leaving it on the market for? Nationwide alert on MPox and yet we may be consuming life threatening food.

  2. Which milling company is supplying contaminated mealie meal? Doesn’t it hv food scientists to test the quality of maize going into its mills? Come on, we can do better than this?

  3. This man is as incompentent as they come. What and empty and irresponisible statement.
    Before you come to us and make such a statement. Have your facts ready. “Ducks in a roll”.
    The same reckless and useless statements you kept making at the Ministry of Lands. Wanting to be seen that you are working. But what do you have to show or tell us about your outbursts.
    Bwana President this please recall. Palibe, kunyiana, akunta, tapaba….an appearance of working but wawe…

  4. Two possible sources of the contaminated Maize are as follows:
    1. Briefcase Maize traders
    A lot of farmers who managed t successfully grow Maize during the last drought ravaged farming season lost their crop to thefts.
    Maize was prematurely harvested by these thieves before it could dry properly.
    This stolen Maize must have found it’s way into the hands of desperate briefcase Maize traders who then offloaded the contaminated moisture laden contraband on to unsuspecting Millers.
    Farmers were also forced to harvest early to avoid losing their precious harvest to grain thieves.
    This raises more questions about Storage standards at our FRA storage facilities! Do they do routine sampling checking for moisture content and checking for possible Aflatoxin contamination? Are these records in place and how often are they Audited? We have had reports of huge amounts of grain going to waste in these storage facilities!

    2. The second possible source is imported Maize. The hurried nature of doing things by politicians, putting unnecessary political pressure on inspectors who were supposed to check the Maize before it comes in.
    So it’s possible there was no proper inspection of the imported Maize.
    And because of political pressure, we probably don’t have enough proof that the imported Maize was contaminated because we probably don’t have inspection reports at points of entry!

    Of these two, local contamination is the most likely source!
    We are mismanaging ourselves poorly!
    Tuchinje bane!
    We have serious need for Patriotism!
    We are destroying our own country so recklessly because of not observing and maintaining HIGH STANDARDS in all aspects of our lives!
    Let’s invest in wisdom and practical knowledge!
    Should we bring in Expatriates to manage local experts?

  5. Hakainde’s hopeless government and his useless ministers …This is another empty Head of the Kabuswe fame! And where are the dogs buying this mealie meal for them to record such a huge number of deaths in their families ? What I know is that dogs eat leftovers from people. So Mr Minister how many people have died from collapsed lungs and livers through the consumption of this contaminated mealie meal?
    Or do people have an immunity, and only dogs are dying?
    Let’s get rid of this hopeless government in 2026. They don’t know what they are doing.. Total failures.

  6. We shall just be treated to lies by the misinformers.While I accept that such toxic material is there and it harms dogs but the number of dogs is too much and how the statistics was conducted.From 9 now we are told 400.What breeds of dogs are dead.? I am sure there is no mongrel the old mixed breed prevalent in Africa and Zambia.The Mongrel described as a bin peaker is a strong dog with high immunity and are not usually on medical schemes.They are found in compounds of Zambia and improved surbabs and too much in rural Zambia .Tell us what dog breeds have died.My dogs are not Mongrels but are very fine.In my area all the dogs are there and doing fine.I am a bit skeptical with this raw data.We need more info.And why now? We have lived in both towns and rural but I have never heard of dogs dying because of consuming nshima.400 dogs dead is too much and alarming.This means our organs like livers and kidneys are in trouble.Boza!

  7. It’s eagles brand mealie meal since they are the only ones who are importing maize to produce cheap mealie meal. That is the same maize which is contaminated.


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