Authored By Mupishi Jones

Even the late Michael Sata whilst in opposition was consistent in delivering his alternative solutions of
✓ more money in citizens pockets,
✓ lower taxes,
✓more jobs to the citizens and that provided the basis upon which the citizens voted him into power. Whilst in office,he was being held to account for those promises!

Today the New Dawn Administration is equally being called to account for its promises made whilst in opposition because President Hakainde Hichilema, his running mate Vice President Nalumango and his team were offering clear and convincing promises as alternative solutions to the myriad of challenges which the Lungu administration was facing then.

On the other hand, the New Dawn Administration is today using those same promises as a checklist for its performance in the three years of it being in power. However, we’re neither reading or hearing any objective alternative solutions from the opposition political parties today.What we’re hearing are either endless remainders of how this New Dawn Administration has failed or threats of retribution once given government machinery.People don’t give power on such promises.

Amongst the consistent alternative solutions President Hichilema and his running mate VIP Nalumango were making to the Zambians’ were;

  1. To lower the cost of living which was relatively high then
  2. To provide free Education which was not being offered then.
  3. To come and restore University Students meal allowances which the sitting government had abolished.
  4. To Increased CDF from K1.6m .
  5. Restructure debt within his first term in office which became impossible then
  6. Re-Open mines based on mutual benefit which mines were all heading towards closures.
  7. Provide permanent and pensionable jobs in government and quasi-government based on nothing else but qualifications only
  8. To pay Retirees some of whom were camping at Given Lubindas office daily.
  9. To end political hooliganism in public places such as Intercity bus terminus, city market and other similar public places.
  10. To restore rule of law which the ruling political party cadres then were exempted.
  11. To improve agriculture in order to lower the cost of mealie meal
  12. To bring on board alternative sources of energy instead of solely relying on ZESCO generated hydro power energy.

12.To fight corruption of the past, present and the future.

This is a checklist even the Zambian people are using to rate the three years performance of the New Dawn Administration in office today!
The Zambian citizens and other stakeholders are able to determine and judge the performance efficiency from these very promises the New Dawn Administration offered whilst in opposition!

Zambian citizens may listen to the opposition but trust me they’ll make decisions based on the above checklist!

Zambians are expecting all the opposition political parties aspiring to take over this government to state even in much more clearer language than what the New Dawn was promising.

It would be reckless, irrational,subjective and dangerous for Zambians’ to change the current government based on unclear and uncoordinated promises.

Alternatively, let the opposition political parties get the same list of the UPND promises and start explaining through various media platforms how different they’ll handle those promises item by item from the way the current government is handling them.

I want to assure the opposition political parties that politics of insults and threats is losing its taste to many Zambians especially the youths.
Yes they’ll attend your rallies expecting to hear your alternative solutions to the problems they’re currently facing and not just to be reminded of the problems they’re experiencing but if such messages of hope are not coming out clearly,then forget!

Therefore, the messages we convey to people on rallies or radios can not only be counter productive, but also be used to assess our readiness to run government or we just want power to satisfy our own egos and private interest.

I submit

Mupishi Jones


  1. Mr Mupishi, UPND has done it’s business very well.And the people of Zambia have seen the efforts, usually people get frustrated when they don’t see efforts being applied.For now the government needs to polish up, of it is in building language using Nyanja it is “ku pulonta chabe” meaning adding cement and building sand to smoothen for perfection.This opposition has nothing to say, that’s why each time they want to talk they make serious blanders which make them further unpopular.I would want to advise government,the Attorney General and Minister of Finance.The issues of retirees on national interest and those that went on voluntary retirement.I strongly believe that the party and the President are not told the truth.That is bad workmanship.Dont leave any stone unturned.These are the things the opposition must talk about but they are sleeping too.They were paid peanuts and have waited for long after the court rulling.They have not been on pay role because of the peanuts they were given.But honestly former civil servants must wait for pension for twenty five years.Evidence is there some were given correct money while the rest are still crying in the mean time the value of the money is not static.What you pay the voluntary civil servants must not differ so much with the national interest ones.The national interest ones were inconvenienced that was bleach of contract.A lot could have attained retirement age this time around not twenty five years ago.So you can see the discrepancies that were created.The president taught us one thing concerning solving issues outside court as the best approach in burgaining.Paying an agreed amount across the board helps on lessening time wastage.The association for retirees is found at the new government complex and the law firm is just near Inter Continental Hotel very near to Cabinet office on the same road which goes to State House.Some one is not doing his work.The President is in a hurry to work but others are bussy dragging their feet or walking nonchalantly.

  2. HH warned that I will set very high standards. That has dreadfully happened hence the hyenas yelling blasphemy everywhere. Muzachucha!!!!! No stealing even after 2031.


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