…..but Mumbi Phiri, former PF Deputy Secretary General says UPND is day dreaming because Zambians have already made up their minds to vote them out.

PUNDITS of political science have ruled out the possibility of the opposition to win the 2026 general election because according to them, the opposition seems fragmented and not united.

Evans Daka, a political science lecturer at the University of Zambia said while UPND was so unfortunate that everything they had embarked on did not seem to work under their leadership, the opposition had no capacity to wrestle power from them.

Mr Daka said UPND came into power with a lot of support, which however had dwindled in a short space of time but that it did not take away the prospects of the ruling party retaining power in 2026.

Daily Nation


  1. The constituents have not been fragmented out by hunger,lack of jobs,load shedding etc! But their vote against the UPND remains intact. In a fair election,UPND can only win votes from the Zambezi provinces, regardless . The victory you predict will be by the “Chizombe formula”and by haECZ, UPND judiciary,the gestapo tactics etc, as you already know Mr Daka.

    Yes,the opposition stands no chance against the rigging machine already in place.

  2. Mr. Lungu’s PF and other opposition parties are bunking on the current hardships enduring through to 2026. Other than that, they have no deliberate strategy or alternatives to what UPND are doing. The opposition is bankrupt in terms if working ideas and that will be their undoing.

    If things take a turn for the better next year and in 2026 (which is very, very likely) , the opposition will be totally stranded like a fish out of water.

    I shudder to think what would have happened if this severe drought had happened while PF were in power. It would have been catastrophic. Mr. Lungu is only good at destroying. He destroyed the country and has destroyed PF itself. He destroyed the judicial system and has destroyed UKWA.

    Ba Lungu minwe ya bubenshi.

  3. You make predictions when you are not sure. We cant say we predict that 1+1 =2 it is a known fact. Much the same as it is known fact that UPND is winning the next election.


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