Address Yango Drivers Slave conditions-CF Shishekanu


Address Yango Drivers Slave conditions-CF Shishekanu

16th  January, 2025.

Citizens First Chair for Labour Ms. Monde Shishekanu has equated the deplorable conditions Yango drivers work under in Zambia as similar to those of “slavery” before it was abolished.

Ms Shishekanu has appealed to the President Hichilema government to address the ‘sad plight’ of the Yango drivers sooner rather than later in order to reduce the growing poverty they experience in Zambia.

“Recently our CF President hon. Harry Kalaba held a meeting with Yango drivers to figure out ways of addressing their sufferings and make a case to government but nothing has come out of it,” said Ms Shishekanu.

Yango, is an online taxi transport service like Uber in the Western world that hundreds of Zambian car owners subscribe to and pay huge franchise fees to.

It’s  Russian owners Yandex take in huge profits while Zambian drivers take home a pittance of as little as K1000 monthly after paying the owners huge licencing fees.

The CF chair for labour said the dangers Yango drivers face day and night at the hands of sophisticated armed robbers that often book them masquarading as ordinary clients cannot march the money they earn from their franchisee. Many drivers have been murdered on duty.

Yango Zambia, originally founded by Russia’s tech company Yandex is but one of the many foreign and local firms giving workers a “raw deal” in Zambia’s depressed UPND government economy said Ms Shishekanu.

An average family of five needs about k11,000 to live on basic food alone according to studies by JCTR yet Yango drivers get less than K1000 for all the risks said Shishekanu.

“Mr Hichilema must create much better and safe jobs to get our Yango drivers and many other Zambians out of poverty, said Ms Shishekanu.

Ms Monde Shishekanu
MCC Chairperson Labour
Citizens First


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