Analysing ‘snakes’ that will bite, swallow HH in 2026


Analysing ‘snakes’ that will bite, swallow HH in 2026

It is said that “opportunistic people are masters of taking advantage of favourable circumstances”.

Ransom Riggs warned that, “An opportunist disguised as a friend can be every bit as dangerous as an outright enemy.”

If there is one activity that shows how cunning human beings can be, it is the field of politics.

Those who were your sworn enemies yesterday today stand tall as your chief praise singers and even pretend to understand you and your party manifesto better than those who toiled to usher the cipani into government. In Zambia, political opportunism reigns high. It is a sphere of “everyone belongs to everyone else”. The men and women who practice this political resourcefulness are shameless at best. In less than a year, we saw how business executives and bank chief executive officers who used to jog with Edgar Lungu when he was president vanished in thin air. They seamlessly found new adhesive, clothing, and today are firmly glued to Hakainde Hichilema and his new dawn administration. Other politicians and tenderpreneurs have similarly distanced themselves from Edgar and are now in a bromance with Hakainde. They seem to know and understand Hakainde’s perceived leadership qualities better than those he toiled with for 15 solid years in opposition.

How they have suddenly seen the UPND to be a nationalist party, HH as a unifier and the economic saviour we needed, is confounding. We know of people who even ahead of the 2021 polls were calling HH a tribalist, a kachema who can’t run the country, among other things. But today they have changed their colours like a chameleon. Surprisingly, even Hakainde has embraced them as his lieutenants. They are his new strategists, political and business confidants. If Hakainde is not careful he will cry alone in the political wilderness!

We know politicians are choosy – pernickety – when it comes to advice. They simply won’t take it from anywhere. They first look at the face such opinion or warning is coming from.

However, we urge Hakainde and his team to pay attention to Dr Chris Zumani Zimba’s warning.

Dr Zimba warns of slippery political traitors who pay false allegiance to HH.

“As we speak today, there are many Zambians as we[ll] as political leaders who are behaving exactly like this snake around President Hakainde Hichilema (HH) projecting false friendship when they mean to eat big and dump him soon – they are evil. These are slippery political traitors who pay false allegiance to HH and are manipulatively dancing treachery at Community House today because of what they are benefiting for now and nothing else,” Dr Zimba charges in his writeup titled: 12 most poisonous snakes that will bite and dump HH in 2026 after his shameful defeat – Part 1. “In 2026 when HH is shamelessly detested, politically rejected and brutally defeated by a countrywide mob of voters, these snakes – political traitors will automatically evaporate from him, denounce Bally and start singing for the new republican

president. Snakes can never befriend man perpetually, they just pretend to be cool as long as they’re warm and comfortable. But trust me, snakes soon betray, strike and sometimes kill their own host with their inherit poison. HH must wait for 2026. If HH thinks he is a big snake of our politics specialised in mingalato, he is fooling himself because he now faces bigger and better deadly pythons. He will be nicely swallowed and chewed into pieces! In 2026, Bally will be fixed by voters and his anaconda snakes will eat him alive and vanish to their new host!”

As they say the people with the best advice are usually the ones who have been through the most! Hakainde may not like Chris because the man served under Edgar, but he is worthy listening to because he’s talking about his experiences too. Chris as a researcher and former political advisor to Edgar is also talking about how his former boss has been deserted by some of his once loudest praise singers – empty tins that projected themselves as experts on almost every subject. Today, they have shifted their allegiance to Hakainde, a man they called kachema, a novice in politics. And they can’t even greet Edgar because he no longer has political power. Hmmm, so soon! These are very dangerous characters that Hakainde, if he is wise, which we expect him to be, should not entertain. They are truly turncoats whose only interest is their mouths- THE MAST


  1. Promises, promises, promises.
    1. If you fail to listen and think bye elections are a barometer for your popularity= You are on your own.
    2. If you fail to reduce mealie meal to K50= you are on your own.
    3. If you fail to reduce fuel to K12/l= you are on your own.
    4. If you fail to reduce dollar to K10/1usd= you are on your own.
    5. If you fail to reduce fertilizer to K250/50kg bag= you are on your own.

    • “Stupid idiots” you are doomed. If you are static this world is dynamic. In this world nothing is constant except the word “CHANGE”. If you don’t keep changing in life you’re dead
      So expecting prices of commodities to remain constant let alone reduce over time is the greatest madness of all times
      So, forget about those prices you’re quoting because HH7 the greatest leader so far firstly found that you Defunct TuPF crimminal government had stolen all the money for the country. You have seen Milingo Lungu handing back $24m just one man. Multiply by the rest of you criminals. How much is that if you have any brains left in your head?
      Another criminal is saying that he invested K15,000 and made K10m profit in two years. Are you normal Defunct TuPF cadres and criminals? And you have the guts to stand here preaching about K50 mealie meal. How much are you going to pay the farmers? Ala insoni ebuntu
      Let me hear you talk about that nonsense again. Lekeni HH7 ateke

  2. Hakainde takwata amatwi.

    His enemies are actually giving him good advice, but they know he will not heed.

    Vote wisely in 2026.

    • You must be mad to be advised by Chris zumani. He can go to hell with his so called advice which by the way is riddled with hate, sice and ridicule. Perhaps his boss needs his advice in the Uka social club.

    • Vote wisely vote for HH7 in 2026/31
      Opposition Zero out of eight ward by-elections, icikwanka bacimona kuma mpalanya


    • “HH is still winning with a sound margin(sic)….come 2026” because HaECZ will exclude serious contenders like UKA,SP,etc from the ballot, the HaPolice has banned Opposition mobilisation public rallies, and the Hacourts will dismiss legal challenges in the courts!!! Who can lose an election with such a loaded dice??

  4. Honestly speaking, how can your enemy give you good advice? Voting wisely in 2026 is voting for HH and UPND just the way the eight wards had done yesterday. Those talking about snakes can continue talking about them, they are chasing the wind which they will never catch, one day they will just get tired and stop the way others stoped. Have you forgotten about Tongas under oath story? 5 point plan to stay in power at all cost. The man is just too smart for you and has smartly out performed you and your fake allegations and wishful thinking will do nothing. Umuntu alipalwa kale, ku Muleka fye.

    • Actually the UPND will remain in office till 2041 then Afuledi Matako, his Matero Dr’s will self exile like criminals tayali and kaizer.


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