Apologise to ECL over police harassment, CCZ tells Govt


Apologise to ECL over police harassment, CCZ tells Govt

GOVERNMENT’S apology to the Catholic Church for police action where they disrupted a private meeting between Catholic Bishop Clement Mulenga and former President Edgar Lungu last week was insufficient, says Father Emmanuel Chikoya, the Council of Churches in Zambia general secretary.

Fr Chikoya said in a statement yesterday that the apology by Jack Mwiimbu, Minister of Home Affairs and Internal Security was selectively done to the Catholic Church when former President Lungu was also party to the meeting.

“Former President Edgar Lungu deserves an apology for the unwarranted disruption and harassment by police. The CCZ finds the justification provided by the minister, citing the Public Order Act, to be fundamentally flawed https://epaper.dailynationzambia.com/public/


  1. Elo lwanya! We shall now see who’s foolish and who’s clever! Government is for carrying government duties according to the law, not what the boss wants to do! A lot of people when they have opportunity to work in government, they think government is very stupid and foolish, but carrying out work in government is by law! That’s why every position, from the highest to the very junior most has terms of reference, so everybody doing government work must work according to their terms of reference of their job, and not according to what the boss wants you to do , even if it’s outside your terms of reference! If you do that you find yourself in conflict with law, and end up being very embarrassed! You lose your job, the property you bought outside your earnings, and being jailed! So workers must be bold enough to tell their bosses that, “sir I can’t do that, because it’s outside my terms of reference . . . “! Unfortunately in government of late, most people have never ever seen their terms of reference! Just working from nowhere! They don’t know what they are supposed to doing and what they not supposed to be doing! Bwafya!

  2. Father Chikoya stop causing enimity and confusion. Yours Father is to preach love for one another. Stop encouraging the Catholic Church to a campaign ground for ECL. The government apologised already. Preach love not war. You will lose many of us from the Catholic Church soon.

  3. Atase, when is Father Chikoya’s term coming to an end? He has been there too long. The apology is rightly to the Catholic Bishop, not to foolish Edgar. If he has dooped you with his brown envelopes, eat quietly. The police gave the Bushop respect by not tear-gassing his meeting. Have you forgotten how Nevers Mumba’s meeting at a school was tear-gassed? I never heard you call upon Edgar to apologize to Nevers or the school authorities. Mwadyelapo pakamupando ako, chokaponi you have lost direction because of Edgar’s plundered money which he is sharing through church or individual Bishops/pastors/reverends giving. I am disappointed at how you have fallen.


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