Are we still exporting power? What is the state of other power stations?- Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba


By Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba

Are we still exporting power? What is the state of other power stations?

I appreciate the weekly national energy updates that the Minister of Energy, Makozo Chikote is giving. The Minister has stated that the nation is producing an average of 890 megawatts against installed generation capacity of 3770.

This therefore leaves a power deficit of 1,510 megawatts. He also stated that the country is importing an average of 496 megawatts.

He has not stated the detaios of continued power exports.

Below are Zambia’s generetion assets

Zambia has generation capacity of 3,700 while it consumes 2,200 at national peak demand.

Minister of Energy Hon. Makozo Chikote says the country will suffer 17hours of load-shedding beginning 1st Sepetember 2024 due to low water levels in Kariba Dam.

But the Minister has NOT bothered to give us details and state of other generation power stations.

1. Kafue Gorge (990mw)
2. Kafue Gorge Lower(750mw)
3. Kariba NorthBank (360mw)
4. Kariba Northbank Extension (720mw)
4. Itezhi Itezhi (120mw)
5. Lunzua (14.8 mw)
6. Lusiwasi (24 mw)
7. Musonda Falls( 5 mw)
8. Victoria Falls (108mw).
9. Chishimba Falls(15 mw).
10. Shiwangandu (1 mw)
11. Zengamina (0.7mw)

Independent Power Producers

1. Lunsemfwa hydro (24mw)
2. Maamba Collieries-thermal (300 mw)
3. Ndola HFO (
4. Nakambala- biomas (40 mw)
5. Bangweulu Solar (54 mw)
6. Ngonye Solar (34)
7. Zambezi Riverside (34mw)

Further ZESCO decommissioned offgrid thermal stations in Zambezi, Lukulu, Lundazi, Mwinilunga and Kabompo. Where are these plants?


  1. 1. Mwamba is it raining? If no then its simply logical that until it starts raining all hydrostations productivity will fall.
    What we should be asking is it possible that some of the monies donors are giving to mitigate the draught situation should go towards the purchase power. This would help mitigate the ability of the population that is on the grid to be productive instead of relying in food and mealie meal that is being given out as mitigation the draught situation.
    2. You keep humming the same song without listening to what has been said.
    Zesco has to keep exporting, it has a contractrual obligation to those nations it entered into a contract with. Am speculating but I would like to assume that the proceeds are what is used to pay for the loans due that are now due. I would suggest the way you draw information from Zesco and leak here. You can do a deep dive and assertain if my assumption is correct. This in the long run averts the exposure of preditory loans that the institution signed.
    3. Tariffs – Mwamba speak to anyone in that institution they will tell you that Zesco tariff produces to sale at loss. Who covers that loss. Mr. Bowa lost his job at ERB when he agreed to raise the Zesco tariff earlier this year. Why? Its because Zesco can not continue to operate at a loss. To me his dismissal was just a “scape goat”. He was acting in the interest of the sector. We can no longer lie about the situation like you did under MMD or PF. Some of the loans you took were the death of the institution to a point the Zesco balance sheet looked pathetic. All those stations you may think Zesco owns are leverage. Let alone you when you dont maintain them. How do you expect them to run. The plant on the copperbelt ran for a few days before it “died”. This is desiel powered generator. Further is this a sustainable means of operating given the fuel costs? If they dont raise the tariffs, how do they buy the fuel to run these plants?
    4. You are right that what is being generated is falling. I just wonder if you understand the numbers you show us. If the generated capacity if falling, the demand isnt. The defcit gap will grow as we heat into fourth quarter of the year. Until it starts to rain, what is being produce will continue to fall. Of those that are non hyro. How many have supplimented the hydro fall? How many have just been launched and are in construction? And what will be tariff when completed? They may be selling to Zesco at a tariffs higher than what Zesco is selling the consumer. Besides why will they complete construction? Maamba was just being launch this past week. Little/nothing was said about when it will start feeding into the grid.

    Its easy to be critical Mr. Mwamba, as a Journalist its important to be balanced and objective in your reporting. To report. Not give a perspective that tells a narrative that you would like to give. From ghost workers, misuse of Zesco assets and possibly funds to fund party activities; you are not in a position to “preach to the choir”. You hands as PF MCC have Zesco blood on its hands. You narrative can hardly carry any substance if during your regime as PF no ideas were put in place to alliviate the financial and generational abilities of the company. So please instead of leading us into the river like the “Pied Piper” shut and sut down. Being a Kachepa of lies and misinformation. Your self interest is written all over you.
    Right now “donors” we ask for help not a loan directed to purchase power until the rains set in. Politicians like Mwamba, Mmembe have no interest in Zambians but themselves. Zesco is understandably stretched and like the Zambian national debt needs restructuring and until the power mix is complete, I still wonder if the tariffs will be affordable to the average Zambian.


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