Auditor General Dick Sichembe

Auditor general’s observations on Nitrogen Chemicals of Zambia.

Nitrogen Chemicals of Zambia (NCZ) – Contracts for Supply of Raw Materials

In 2015 and 2016, NCZ engaged as supplier to supply various raw materials. As at 5th April 2018, the supplier had invoiced NCZ amounts totalling US$154,346,703.80 out of which NCZ had paid US$97,941,531 leaving a balance of US$56,405,130. Of the amount invoiced, raw materials costing US$46,345,532 were not delivered.

The supplier charged interest of US$34,918,886.60 on the outstanding amount of $56,405,130 for delayed payment.

However, this amount included a charge on undelivered materials costing $46,345,532.

In addition, the contracts did not provide for such interest payments.


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