
Correspondent|Vice-President Constantino Chiwenga is willing to let his estranged wife Mary Mubaiwa get all their kitchen utensils, a bed and three cars in their divorce.

But he draws the line at cash that he says belongs to him – US$245,428 that is kept in Mubaiwa’s FBC Bank account.

Chiwenga makes the disclosures in a summons filed by his lawyer Wilson Manase at the high court, where he is seeking a divorce order terminating their customary-law union.

The summons was filed in December but kept as a security file at the high court. The Sunday Times has now seen it.

Chiwenga is demanding that he be granted custody of the couple’s three minor children, with Mubaiwa being given “reasonable” access to them on weekends.

He also wants half of Orchid Farm on Domboshava Road on the outskirts of Harare. The farm was acquired while they were married.


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