Part 3

Anty JUJU was renting a bed sitter opposite the Grave yard apa pa Memorial park kaili it was close to her usual work place at night, she invited me to her house one day in the afternoon and I drove there by then I was driving a White land Cruiser VX so I got there then that’s how she started telling me stuff about my better half. I listened before I could know it food was offered, I decided to refuse because I wasn’t angry then she offered me if I could take a bath in her bedroom because I told her that I was rushing home from a minning project so I was abite dirty and sweaty. Dickless Man akana zoona!!

What Madam JUJU does to the big men attracted to her is that she takes pictures of them when they are naked which she uses to blackmail them for money, anty JUJU stays in a Rented house ku ibex and yet she lies ati it’s her own? The Orange Ford Ranger you saw was collateral given to her by the person she sent to buy her that ka Cheap and Stolen car!! Not that she bought. Not even bio oil could manage to delete off INEMBO ka kwata Kuma tako!!


Part 2

it’s better to be Adulterous in your House than claiming to be single while you have kept 20 bottles of Former PF Ministers and Government officials under your bed with there pictures inside, people with Homes and families (KAMUTOBA MAYANDA ) Anty JUJU has A mentally Disturbed Son who she sacrificed as a Condition for her to leave a better life. That’s why you see her naked even using her Son to take pictures of her naked body full of INEMBO.. have Mercy on the child Anty JUJU!

Anty JUJU’s Depression is as a result of no customers since PF lost power, business has been bad for her Because New Dawn Ministers and Government officials are disciplined so no client as of now. So are real battle of Depression is coming from the fact that she has sacrificed an innocent child and business yabwela yavuta . Her battles are spiritual bane. She cries a lot when she notes that her Son will never forgive her because of what she has done to him.. we can only offer prayers to her!!

My dear ladies be content with what you have don’t be misled by Anty JUJU kamayo ka loshi!! By the way that’s my house bar, Can you borrow all that?

Pondani Anty JUJU

Part 1

In 2018 the Ncwala organizing Committee hired My Range Rover for VVIP movement of the Guest of honor Prince BUTELEZI from South Africa, I left Lusaka on a Thursday night and arrived in CHIPATA on Friday so as usual I am a whiskey person so I went to look for double black and couldn’t find it, so I received a call from Anty JUJU who was asking if I could reserve a room for her at Protea hotel which was practically impossible so in saying bye I asked for a favor from her, I told Anty JUJU to buy me Double Black from Publix on her way of which I was going to refund her once she arrived she agreed!!

Later in the night Anty JUJU arrived at Protea and came straight to me surprisingly Anty JUJU wanted to spend a night in my room something I gravely refused because obviously I knew her better than she ever thought and the fact that she was my better half’s friend and workmate out of frustration anty JUJU was tolled by some sangoma looking grand pa that’s how she found accommodation that night!! After the Ceremony anty JUJU thought she would get a front seat ride back to Lusaka in my Range Rover, so as i checked out anty JUJU Spotted a lady seated in front of my car, defeated by her beauty anty JUJU Decided to call my wife and told her that she saw me with multiple women in eastern Province and that I had even given a lift to one!! I challenge her to say No!!


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