By Magret Mwanza

In a disturbing and highly irresponsible statement made on August 24 in Samfya, former President Edgar Chagwa Lungu took it upon himself to issue threats to civil servants and police officers, suggesting that those not aligning with his political aspirations would be personally targeted.

Lungu’s rhetoric, laced with promises of rewards for those who support him and threats of personal retribution for those who don’t, is a dangerous attempt to incite fear and undermine the rule of law in Zambia.

As a nation that has struggled with the remnants of political intimidation and corruption, Lungu’s statements are a stark reminder of the dark days when such threats were used to manipulate public servants and coerce them into unethical behavior. This approach is not only counterproductive but also highlights Lungu’s desperation as he seeks to regain power in 2026.

Inciting Rogue Behavior is a Dangerous Precedent

Lungu’s threats are tantamount to inciting rogue behavior among his supporters, encouraging them to act outside the bounds of law and order. By suggesting that civil servants who do not conform to his political will be personally targeted, Lungu is not only undermining the authority of the current government but also sowing seeds of discord and instability within the civil service.

This kind of rhetoric is extremely dangerous in a country that prides itself on being a beacon of peace and democracy in the region. Zambia cannot afford to allow its civil servants to be threatened or manipulated by anyone, least of all a former president who should be setting an example of statesmanship and respect for the rule of law.

A Legacy of Failure is Why Lungu Must Be Ignored

Let us not forget the legacy that Lungu left behind—a legacy marred by economic mismanagement and social decay. Under Lungu’s administration, Zambia witnessed the closure of numerous mines, throwing thousands into unemployment and plunging communities into despair. His regime brought an era of rampant cadreism, where political thugs roamed the streets, intimidating and assaulting citizens with impunity.

The country was also subjected to a spate of mysterious gassings, creating widespread fear and panic, while the elderly who had served the nation were left in destitution as retirees were not given their due payments. Lungu’s government scrapped off meal allowances for our university students, further burdening families struggling to make ends meet. The nation was gripped by the horror of ritual killings, a chilling manifestation of the breakdown in law and order under his watch.

Corruption reached unprecedented levels, with public resources looted with impunity. The breakdown of the rule of law, coupled with police brutality, made the Zambian people feel unsafe in their own country. These are the evils that defined Lungu’s time in office, and now he has the audacity to threaten civil servants who are trying to do their jobs with integrity.

A Call for Stability and Integrity

The role of civil servants and police officers is to serve the Zambian people, not to be pawns in a political game. They are the backbone of our nation’s governance and administration, ensuring that the country functions smoothly and that laws are enforced impartially. For Lungu to suggest that those who act with integrity will be punished, while those who align with his agenda will be rewarded, is an affront to the very principles of good governance.

Civil servants should be guided by the Constitution and the laws of the land, not by the whims of a politician, whether current or former. It is essential that they remain impartial and committed to their duties, free from political interference and intimidation.

Lungu’s Words Should Be Ignored

Edgar Lungu’s statements should be met with the disdain they deserve. He is a former president who should know better than to stoke division and fear among the public. His threats are hollow, and his promises of rewards %are nothing more than political posturing aimed at regaining relevance. Zambians must see through this thinly veiled attempt to incite unrest and remain focused on building a stable, peaceful, and prosperous nation.

Lungu’s rhetoric is a reminder of why his time in office was marked by growing concerns about corruption, abuse of power, and the erosion of democratic principles. His return to the political stage with such incendiary language only reinforces the need for Zambians to move forward, not backward.

A Plea to Civil Servants: Stay the Course

To the civil servants and police officers of Zambia, the message is clear: stay the course, uphold the law, and continue serving the people of Zambia with integrity. Do not be swayed by threats from those who seek to use you for their own political gain. Your loyalty should be to the Constitution and the people of Zambia, not to any individual or political party.

The stability and progress of our nation depend on a civil service that is free from political manipulation and coercion. Zambians must reject any attempts to return to a time when threats and intimidation were tools of governance. Instead, we must all work together to ensure that our country remains on the path of democracy, peace, and prosperity.


  1. These hyenas. Your parent chimbwi has spent the whole last week issuing derogatory remarks about ECL at every given podium you didn’t say it’s unpresidential. ECL responds in a simple way of politics you lose sleep. I see you’re not just hypocrites but idiots too.

  2. Following Civil Servants into their homes?
    Very serious threat and Civil Servants who manage elections, don’t allow his comeback!
    ECL is not the answer to an HH failed presidency!

  3. This man is finito! Very irrelevant to Zambian politics. These are not the brains we need. With this kind of politicians, I fear for mother Zambia

  4. Has UKA already decided that Lungu will be their presidential candidate? Does Lungu have handlers? It boggles the mind that a former republican president can turn into such a loose cannon. Is it the forfeiture to the state of ill gotten family property that is driving him bananas? Kalaba allowed Lungu to drown him at his own CF rally like he did in Kitwe. How naive of Kalaba and CF!

    • Both presidential candidates are loose cannons.

      They both utter unpalatable language in public at will, without any shame. They both do not respect themselves. They lack class. And both are synonymous with corruption and oppression.

      So my dear countrymen, who shall we turn to?

      Who can replace these two badly rotten corrupt seeds? Who ?

      General Miyanda, your country needs you now.

      Vote wisely in 2026.

      • Ba Indigo you throw your Lungu under bus???????? Yes the world is full of wonders. We need to put you in a museum. This is the eighth wonder of the world. Guinness book of world records needs this data.

  5. Am listening to both sides language is too abusive .Come on ladies and gentlemen you all Zambians treat each other with respect.

  6. Let him come to my house I’ll castrate him with a bottle of Jameson Whiskey kkkkkkk
    Former head of state shouldn’t have issued those stark remarks because he was removed partly because of the very behavior he’s trying to champion. Moreover why is he asserting himself as the sole candidate before being chosen? A lot leaves to be desired over the mental faculty of our once beloved president. If indeed he bounced back with shear luck he’d turn Zambia upside down within a month with carnage never seen before. He doesn’t respect the rule of Law or anything to do with governance

  7. Threats on civil servants makes me feel so sad indeed.Why must a normal human being think of following civil servants into their homes surely.This means sending cadres to homes of civil servants,this is like unleashing pitbulls on people.They come with dangerous weapons and they don’t mind where they hit.Lungu shall never be president again that is the beauty.In the first place it was just too unfortunate to have Lungu as president.The job was too heavy for him honestly he was inundated.The work which civil servants do is huge and they sacrifice a lot for the country.They work both day and night, in some cases they are called to work even on holidays.Mr Lungu has forgotten that he left a lot of civil servants without access to their pension.Was that not punishment enough.There are civil servants who have not gotten their rightful pension for about twenty five years now. Look at HIPIC situation people are retired because of Highly Indebted Poorly Infested Countries, the program was good for the country in that the Budden of huge wage bill was was highly reduced by retiring a lot of civil servants on either national interest or voluntary.Do Zambians know that there are sacrificial lambs civil servants who are still waiting for their money? And some body normal wants to offload some more civil servants to suffer like those who are currently in financial crisis.Please politicians stop using civil servants as door mats.You step on them off you go.In the same HIPIC program some civil servants were retired on perception that they supported the late Mr Underson Kambela Mazoka “mwana mubotu” as he was oftenly called because of his good heart.One can even regret having been a civil servant.So this Lungu has outlived his usefulness never allow him and his colleagues to come near power no and no no.

  8. Moreover, how do Civil Servants start supporting Lungu as if he is already the president of UKA? And UKA itself is not a registered political party. Because with such utterances, it’s like he has already declared himself as the president of the alliance. The same people who misled Lungu in PF and made him lose are the same people who are busy misleading him in UKA and will make him disastrously lose again in 2026.

  9. He doesn’t even look healthy. He should concentrate taking his medications. Otherwise 2026 can be far. If the wife loved him she should have advised him take a back seat and relax.

  10. Mr Kalaba said am with ECL because: Having been a former President and looser he has great experience for him to learn from…. surely what can you learn from ECL? UKWA should stop giving ECL the microphone unless they want him to decampaign the Alliance. Definitely such behavior and ranting is rhetorical and no Zambian is interested in such kafwafwa administration again. Threatening Civil Servants? Remember Cadres used to go offices to office removing Civil Servants by force, harass them and lock the offices…To come back again this time in a more amplified version-Following them to their homes! This is sad and very unfortunate thought from a comeback 2026 presidential candidate who said as a Party they have changed and I know what made us loose power in 2021…like that? Never!
    Mr Kalaba was excited with the ECL ranting then UKA is a bunch of rotten bananas.
    Now i agree with Saboi who argued that UKA did need ECL who was rejected by Zambians because of Cadrerism and poor administration..guns came blazing from others YET she was right.
    Ba UKA continue giving the microphone to ECL if you want to be decampaigned.
    Zanji Sinkala news analyst said: the crowd was huge but they were those that attended because it is long time they saw ECL, those that attended to be intertained they like rallies, those who attended to critically listen to the message. So it meant nothing to conclude he has a huge following.

  11. All those Zambians who attended this bs meeting with Chikala Chagwa need to suffer because it’s Zambians like these who put into power a Satan Nyoko like chagwa. Panyo pako are the words that come to mind which best describes chadwa and his supporters

  12. Tantrums and childish ranting at play here. There is no logic in such utterrances.

    What’s wrong with our leaders we have. Has analysising issues sensibly eluded them.

    This type of reaction is beneath expectations of a seasoned politician. Those in charge of advising play your role. These unfiltered emortions are unnecessary.

    Government positions of leadership are not personal to holder. Like an actor in a cast one plays his/ her role diligently and passes on the role to another worthy diligent actor.

    This , me me syndrome has to die so that the future leaders can be well groomed. Let’s learn to grow up and move forward with grace so that rememberance can be calming and graceful.


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