The Constitutional Court is tomorrow Friday June 14, 2024 expected to hear a matter in which former President Edgar Lungu’s eligibility to contest future elections is being challenged.

The matter is expected to be heard by a full bench of constitutional court judges.

In this matter, a Zambian Citizen, Michelo Chizombe, has petitioned the court seeking among other reliefs a declaration that the former President is not eligible to seek a presidential office for the third term.

He also wants the court to declare that Mr. Lungu’s participation in the August 2021 election was unconstitutional.

CREDIT: Diamond TV


  1. Those judges who heard the eligibility case in the past should recuse themselves from hearing this case. They obviously betrayed the law and citizens and voted for Lungu.
    They now cannot vote against their earlier so they’re conflicted without any and their judgement cannot be fair.
    We know them and we know their PF leanings too. If they allow Lungu to contest, they will have to learn how to be judges again. This is not a small matter.

  2. Once a case has been ruled on by a specific court, there is no way way that same court can rule against it self..This can only happen in a banana republic.
    And any honest arbiter, who is conversant with the constitution of the Republic of Zambia, Edgar Lungu is on firm grounds … there’s no way any court can rule against him…and again, any ruling against ECL can only happen in a banana republic.

  3. I’m really surprised by this court. First who is the complaint? Tonga! How many Tongas have sued or reported people from the northern or eastern regions since this administration? How people from the eastern or northern regions have been arrested , detained in police cells or taken from their homes in these northern or eastern regions to Zambezi region to be prosecuted and jailed?

    How people from the northern or eastern parts of Zambia have sued, reported people the from the Zambezi region who have been arrested taken to these parts of Zambia to face charges, prosecution or jail times ? None at all.

    Brothers and sisters from the Zambezi region please control your appetite for vengeance. It’s because of your own actions that are detrimental and destroying one Zambia one nation motto. Please leave vengeance to Satan. Whatever goes up one day will come down. How much damage are you willing to cause to show this is your time?

    At the pace you are going no one is going to win because each and every person is seeing each other as an enemy and one trigger happy person will do something stupid and beacon of hope, peace, democracy and prosperity will eventually evaporate in thin air. Let’s be kind and respect each other. Zambia belongs to us all. We can strongly disagree on matters of principles or ideology because it’s healthy for us to grow in different ways or areas. Power is sweet, power is magical, power can be manipulative, power can corrupt, power can destroy everything that has been created and built over time in milliseconds when it is not used in a meaningful , productive, modest, creatively, functionally, responsibly and restraint way. May the good lord bless you with abundant wisdom to know, understanding, lead and love your neighbours as yourselves .

  4. Straight case sworn in twice can not stand unfortunately solwezi statements confused the judges;it was like that Zambians judge you should not behave like Kenyans judges otherwise we are going to have a chaos or keyosi.The question was the judgement fair or not fair???

  5. This case was never appealed against its ruling that Lungu is legible to stand because it was handled by the highest court in the land. It is confusing therefore that the same highest court which presided over this case is the same one that is presiding over the the same case. What kind of the so called ‘rule of law’ are we preaching about in Zambia? Zambians let’s be serious for once.


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