CV Of  Dr Elijah Julaki Muchima the Minister of Health


Dr Elijah Julaki Muchima the Minister of Health

Elijah Julaki Muchima was born on 26 June 1957. He completed his primary Education at Ntambu Primary School in 1972, in North Western Province and Secondary Education at Kabompo Secondary School.

Muchima’s holds a:-

1. Diploma in Accountancy from Evelyn Hone College of Applied Arts and Commerce.

2. A Certificate in Consumer Transaction Law and Practice from the Open University in the United Kingdom.

3. A Certificate in internal Audit from the Zambia Centre for Accountancy Studies (ZCAS).

4. A Bachelor of Laws from the University of Lusaka

5. A Master of Science in Accounting and Finance from the university of Zambia

6. A Master of Laws from University of Zambia

7. PHD in Business and Management from University of Zambia.

Parliamentary Committee History:-

1. Committee on Local Government Accounts (Jun 2020- May 2021)

2. Committee on National Security and Foreign Affairs ( Oct 2017- May 2021)

3. Committee on Youth, Sport and Child Matters ( June 2015 – Nay 2016)

4. Committee on National Security and Foreign Affairs ( Jan 2015 – May 2016)



  1. I think he has been sent to do forensic auditing in the Ministry of Healthy. He has to brush out all PF Kabolalas who were appointed by ECL and are the ones who are exposing themselves to the opposition so that UPND can be lebelled as the most corrupt party. Bamuchima, please clear the enemy. Dont leave out anyone who is against the wish of the Zambian people.
    Rememember the very enemies are PF clics who are after dropping down Zambia down.

  2. The CV shows that he has spent time in school and has collected good academic papers. In terms of job qualification, we need to know what he has done with these academic papers. Where has he worked and what are some of the highlights of his career.

  3. Ba Muchima failed to run a parallel system and ensure the smooth transition between two systems at the Ministry of lands. This has led to a serious loss in revenue and errors.
    To me that CV means nothing if its not supported by performance. The man can not manage a simple IT project under him why would we have the confidence that he can manage a system that is inherently a loss driver as Health Insurance? Like Tax contribution to Govt expenditure. Health Insurance is not sustainable. Ask National Insurance in the UK, Medicare/Medicaid in the US. Now you want to send a man who has just failed to manage the Ministry of Lands to deal with Health? Masebo was a lot more competent a Minister that Muchima.

  4. Well done on achievements in your academic and professional papers. It is important to excel professionally and it is good for you Dr.
    But in politics it about delivering to the people. What reference has got to show from Ministry of Lands to show that he is a performer especially the rot at Ministry of health.

  5. Looks like there’s a shortage of manpower on the UPND back bench. The president can have a relook at the list of Nominated Members of Parliament. I feel Felix Mutati has reached the limit of his public service life.. People don’t even listen to what he says any more. He has had his time.
    Elias Mubanga also seems to be just drinking tea in his office. Doreen Mwamba is alright. Let the President revoke the nominations for Mutati and Mubanga and bring in ministry specific functionaries … qualified and with relevant experience in the ministry discipline, and with both local and international exposures especially for Health . This is were Edgar Lungu is looking more wise..His choices for specialized ministries such as Health, Education, were excellent..
    But this Muchima has been MP for 20 years, snoring in Parliament, and during which time he has just been getting academic papers and hanging them in his room…I doubt if this man has ever worked any where!
    But above all let’s have a functional Cabinet.. There’s no way all Ministers can be looking inefficient. Some thing is not right in Hakainde’s way of management.

  6. I have worked with the most learnt from the best universities in the world Cambridge and Oxford universities, what I know is that accumulation of academic credentials does not make you better at work. Successful and effective leaders are those who always remind themselves that each department you go to appreciate those who have there longer, act like a novice person and you will learn more from those with experience or expertise.
    In Zambia , immediately you finish a degree, you want a powerful job because you are a graduate with no experience. You have not tested the real world. You have not combined theory and practice in real work. No wonder we can’t move forward. Papers on face value mean nothing till you conquer the world with good deeds. A rest my case.


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