Diplomatic Showdown As Czech Embassy Writes To Zimbabwe Government Over The Arrest Of Tourist Lucas Slavik

Czech Embassy Writes To Zimbabwe Government Over The Arrest Of Tourist Lucas Slavik [Image: X]

A diplomatic showdown could erupt after the Czech Embassy in Harare wrote to the Zimbabwe Government over the arrest of tourist Lucas Slavik.

Details Of The Case
Slavik was arrested in Masvingo on 2 August for recording a video that exposed the critical shortages of electricity and water in the region. The State alleges the video had false statements with the potential to incite public unrest. The Czech national is charged under Section 31 (a) (1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act.

Following his arrest, Slavik was remanded in custody for three weeks. Masvingo Provincial Magistrate Franklin Mkwananzi had earlier denied Slavik bail, saying he might flee the country. Slavik’s defence argues that the law under which he is charged is outdated and that he never made any false statements.

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On 21 August 2024, a High Court Judge in Masvingo, Justice Sunsley Zisengwe, granted Slavik bail. The conditions included a U$500 deposit with the Clerk of Court, residing at the Consulate of the Czech Republic in Harare, and reporting to the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) Highlands every Friday between 6 AM and 6 PM. Additionally, Slavik was required to surrender his passport and refrain from contacting state witnesses.

Czech Republic Deputy Ambassador Michael Novak paid the bail.

Czech Embassy Writes To Zimbabwe Government Over The Arrest Of Tourist Lucas Slavik

After Slavik’s release on bail, the Czech Republic Embassy in Harare wrote to the Zimbabwe Government regarding the case.

The Embassy wrote to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade per the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations.

Article 36 of the Vienna Convention states:

“The competent authorities of the receiving State shall, without delay, inform the consular post of the sending State if, within its consular district, a national of that State is arrested or committed to prison or to custody pending trial or is detained in any other manner.”

The Embassy sought a detailed list of the charges against Slavik and the laws and legal provisions under which they were filed. Additionally, the Embassy requested information on Slavik’s current legal status, including any ongoing proceedings or hearings.


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