Don’t assault Church work — Sakwiba Sikota SC
15th June 2024
I am honored to have this opportunity to interact with such an august gathering.
Interaction between civic, political and religious leaders is very important. Society is healthier when there is constant dialogue, interaction and respect between these groupings. Respect is the keyword to make this interaction and dialogue to bear fruit and be successful.
I note that today your chosen theme is “THE YEAR OF LOOKING UP TO GOD”.
We as UKA accepted your invitation because we look upto you as our spiritual leaders. It is therefore fitting that your theme asks us to look up to God. We have come so that you can point out to us what we should look out for.
WE AS POLITICIANS LOOK UPTO YOU. Your role is to teach us how to look upto God.
So what will God show us? We have to turn to Micah 6:8.
“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” – MICAH 6 : 8
Politics involves the complex interactions of individuals, groups, and institutions shaping the direction of society, allocating resources, and exercising power. It influences our lives, communities, and the world at large. You have to direct not only us the politicians but others such as civil society on how to look upto God.
What are the aims and objectives of these different groups after all?
The main objectives of politicians beliefs, values, and positions, when properly guided,include;
Representing the people’s interests
Creating and implementing policies for the betterment of society
Addressing social issues and promoting equality
Promoting the public’s well-being.
Conflict resolution through mediating and resolving disputes between different groups or interests by building alliances, compromising, and finding common ground with opponents.
The main objective of civic organizations is to promote the common good and public interest by:
Advocating for and defending social justice and human rights
Holding those in power accountable
Building inclusive and equitable communities for economic justice
Encouraging civic engagement and participation in democratic processes
Helping different interest groups build consensus
Overall, civic organizations aim to create positive social change and improve the lives of individuals and communities.
Some of the important objectives of Christianity in society are:
Serving the poor, marginalized, and vulnerable.
Advocating for justice, equality, and human rights.
Fostering reconciliation, peace, and conflict resolution.
Promoting social justice and human dignity
Building bridges between different communities and denominations.
There is no doubt that the clergy should be nonpartisan. Christians should however have a very strong bias towards achieving the main objectives of Christianity. Christians should demonstrate God’s love in practical ways by strongly advocating for and practicing the core objectives of Christianity.
The clergy need to keep on doing what they have done in the past and as directed by the Scriptures..
“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly ; defend the rights of the poor and needy.”
“Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.“
ISAIAH 1 : 17
Some people say men of the cloth should not be involved in politics . You hear some of them warning that “politics is a dirty game.”
I agree that it often is. This is the very reason men of the cloth should get involved in politics; to clean up our politics!
Throughout history, several religious leaders have excelled in politics, leaving a significant impact on their respective nations and the world. Here are a few examples:
You can go as far back in history as 1160-1216 when Pope Innocent III played a crucial role in shaping European politics, negotiating treaties, and resolving conflicts between kingdoms.
Centuries later in the 1600s Cardinal Richelieu, who was a French Catholic priest, served as King Louis XIII’s chief minister, transforming France into a centralized state and shaping European politics.
It is not only the Catholics but other Christian denominations have played a role in politics. Calvin, a Protestant French theologian and pastor, played a key role in the Protestant Reformation, shaping the political and religious landscape of Europe.
It is not only in Europe or amongst Christians that you see religious leaders fighting for people’s rights. The Dalai Lama who is the spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism, has been a prominent advocate for Tibetan rights, non-violence, and interfaith dialogue, winning the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989.
Archbishop Makarios III navigated Cyprus through the country’s desire for independence and the desire of Britain, Greece and Turkey to retain control of Cyprus, or parts of it.
These religious leaders demonstrated significant political acumen, influencing the course of history and leaving lasting legacies.
Some people will say “Ifyo fya ba sungu !”. There are a good number of black clergymen who have met the call for fighting for justice.
Several clergymen played a significant role in the Civil Rights Movement in the United States, using their religious leadership to advocate for racial equality and social justice.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968): A Baptist minister and leader of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), he became the iconic face of the Civil Rights Movement, advocating nonviolent civil disobedience and delivering powerful speeches, including the famous “I Have a Dream” speech.
Rev. Andrew Young a Methodist minister and civil rights leader, worked closely with Dr. King and later became a congressman, ambassador, and mayor of Atlanta.
Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth a Baptist minister and civil rights activist, survived numerous attempts on his life and continued to fight for equality in Birmingham, Alabama.
Rev. Jesse Jackson is a prominent American civil rights activist, politician, and Baptist minister who has played a significant role in the struggle for civil rights and social justice. Some of his key roles and achievements include:
Rev. Al Sharpton who’s work has been focused on addressing systemic racism, police brutality, and social inequality, and he remains a key figure in the modern civil rights movement’s struggle for civil rights and social justice. Rev. Sharpton fought valiantly for the killers of George Floyd to face justice.
These clergymen, along with many others, used their religious platforms to challenge segregation, discrimination, and inequality, significantly contributing to the progress of the Civil Rights Movement.
Some of you may say that is in America and not Africa. There are some religious figures here in Africa, who were involved in the anti-apartheid struggle like Archbishop Desmond Tutu.
South African Catholic Bishops Conference: The group used affidavits for a book, Police Conduct During Township Protests in 1984, as a way of circumventing censorship.
South African Clergy ‘illegally’ married mixed-race couples as an act of defiance against the Prevention of Mixed Marriages Act.
Reverend Allan Boesak is a South African clergyman and theologian rose to prominence in the 1980s as an outspoken critic of the National Party’s apartheid policies.
Some of you may say that is in South Africa and not Zambia. Well this has happened in Zambia on many occasions. We have had men of the cloth involve themselves in politics like Reverend Isaac Mumpashya.
Reverend Isaac Mumpasha is a former politician and diplomat who served as a freedom fighter and veteran politician leading upto the 1964 liberation. Later on in life he played a significant role in fighting for the return to multiparty system in the 1990s.
The five main objectives of politicians, civil society and Christianity set out above are uncannily similar. Their objectives can be distilled as being;
Serving the poor, marginalized, and vulnerable
Advocating for justice, equality, and human rights
Fostering reconciliation, peace, and conflict resolution
Building bridges between different communities and denominations
Giving a voice to the voiceless
Christians aim to demonstrate God’s love in practical ways. The main way is, not by being quiet but, by promoting social justice and human dignity to encourage personal transformation and spiritual growth.
These objectives are indeed rooted in biblical teachings and the example of Jesus Christ, who modeled a life of love, compassion, and service to others. By living out these values, Christians seek to make a positive impact in the world and bring glory to God.
These objectives are based on biblical teachings and the example of Jesus Christ, who came to serve, love, and redeem humanity. Jesus Christ did not sit back and remain quiet in face of inequity and injustice.
Speak out against injustice. As Proverbs 31:8-9 says, “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.”
Zambian clergy figures can become the next local Reverend Mumpashya. They can become the next international Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Desmond Tutu or Reverend Martin Luther King Junior.
Clearly there is no need for the clergy today to shy away from commenting on social matters and fulfilling their calling to seek justice and make a positive impact in the world leading to bringing glory to God.
The above is speech from which summarized address was given by UKA Chairperson at the THE PASTORS FELLOWSHIP at the TRINITY EMBASSY CHURCH INTERNATIONAL on 15th June 2024. In attendance were other UKA leaders UKA Vice Chairperson Chisala Kateka, Apostle Dan Pule, President Harry Kalaba, President Peter Chanda, President Wright Musoma and sixth Zambian Republican President His Excellency Edgar Chagwa Lungu.
The United Kwacha Alliance also handed over borehole they funded to the Church and community. Water has been lacking in the area and community thanked UKA for meeting this need. After all ‘water is life’.
The United Kwacha Alliance will be back on the Copperbelt next weekend to attend the Citizens First rally on Saturday22nd June 2024 in Kitwe.
The Copperbelt tour last weekend was a great success and Ndola residents received UKA very well. At the borehole hand over one resident said, “We are not just thirsty for water but are dying that you quench our thirst to hear from you.”
The church has no business in politics in fact the church is so compromised since collaborating with lungu and PF to attack HH.
The church is satanic now because of this.
This Batuke Imenda routine should stop ! We know the hate speech law is for protecting your kind only.But for everyone’s sake,practice your Freemasonry elsewhere!!!