Dear Editor,

I write to urge all senior well meaning Patriotic Front Party members not to under estimate the infighting going on right now in the party.

The wrangles may be brushed as just individual clandestine schemes to exercise authority on political position powers by those who don’t want to face the truth.

Remember, not too long ago, Lusaka PF die hard Maxwell Chongo expressed concerns about how the grassroots have been abandoned to mare beggars in the party.

After that we saw how senior party leaders are embroiled in illegal gold scams in Kasenseli mine in Mwinilunga which called for the suspension of the whole North Western PF party leadership.

That could be one of the few scams by senior party members who have forgotten the plight of its grass root people who they always use for campaigns.

There is right now a brewing fire in Chingola where the small scale mines popularly called Jerabos are also pointing fingers at how they have been duped by some senior members over the dump site deals.

Why are the elite regrouping to amass wealth at the expense of their supporters yet this is called a pro-poor party whose motto is more more in people’s pockets?

Are the rest just to be used for political expediency only than sharing the national cake or are in this boat cruise together?

The party President Edgar Chagwa Lungu should surely crack the whip and make sure the grass roots are appreciated now than ever before, before the 2021 campaigns if PF is to have a real grip on the ground.

Leaving these few individuals to share what they can land onto at will without regard for the grass root will only do President Lungu a dis-service that will be very difficult to repair.

Please don’t use arrogance but listen to the grass root when they complain because it is you who will need them more than they will need you very soon.

These wrangles if not abated now will make the party as good as forget 2021 elections because the youths and grass roots complaining now are the epitome upon which PF was formed.

Wisdom Muyunda


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