By Mark Simuuwe

Former Finance minister under the PF Dr Bwalya says the decision by the Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly to declare the seats vacant is Subterfuge .

For avoidance of doubt , subterfuge is defined as ,”deceit used in order to achieve one’s goal.”

He is right only to the extent that PF are deceiving citizens by deliberately causing a by-election to test their popularity.

Firstly , Dr Bwalya Ngandu is the one who was releasing money to finance by -elections that were caused by the PF under his reign as Finance minister as such , it is total hypocrisy for him to dramatize the self-inflicted by-elections.

Further , assuming the nullification was intended , it is the same PF who caused it by writing an irresponsible letter to the Speaker .

Since the PF claim that the UPND is packing in the next elections and that they have lost popularity, it is clear that PF have a deceitful agenda in causing the by-elections .

Based on their claim , it is now clear to all of us that the PF are deliberately causing this by-election of nine MPs in order to test their own strength.

Unfortunately, they will be taught another lesson they will live to remember in this by-election .

Further , Dr Bwalya Ngandu says HH should focus on job creation and poverty reduction.

Dr Bwalya Ngandu is trying to open an open door .

By restructuring the debt of the loans that Dr Ngandu and his friends irresponsibly contracted , President Hakainde Hichilema is addressing Zambia’s current economic woes that are manifesting as a consequence of a highly indebted country.

Unlike at his time where Dr Ngandu announced employment freeze and wage freeze in parliament , UPND has recruited over 39,000 teachers in two years , over 14,000 health workers , over 45,000 in defence , over 2500 under Local government , over , 250 under ZRA , over 150 under Immigration, over 100 under Zesco , and these are opportunities Dr Ngandu and Edgar Lungu failed to create under PF .

Further , over 2800 cooperatives given grants creating over 50,000 jobs for the SMEs .

In the private sector
alone , over 13,900 jobs have been created in the manufacturing sector alone and this is due to stability in the economic indicators, the political stability , and the improved fight against corruption under the UPND in which our GDP improved from negative two under the PF to over two percent under the UPND leadership in two years .

It is Dr Ngandu who subjected over 34000 council workers to hunger by not paying them their salaries of 7-15 months , including 258,000 farmers who were owed money by FRA.

It is Dr Ngandu who failed to pay TAZARA workers and former TAZAMA workers their dues which money has been paid by UPND government.

It is Dr Ngandu who was failing to pay UNZA , CBU AND PUBLIC Universities salaries which is no longer the case under the UPND leadership.

It is Dr Ngandu who failed to sustain students meal allowances and scrapped them off which allowances have been reinstated by the UPND government.

Under Dr Bwalya Ngandu , supranational cooperations were closing due to economic instability. What this meant was that youths working in these private sector companies lost jobs .

Indeni was closed indefinitely, Mopani mine collapsed, and KCM went through liquidation relegating over 7000 citizens on the Copperbelt into joblessness .

The list of failures is endless under Dr Ngandu’s PF leadership.

We urge him to advise Edgar Lungu and his minions to stop fighting for PF leadership and stop causing by-elections.

It is total hypocrisy for all former PF ministers to line up to cause a by-election through an irresponsible letter than start blaming others .

Where was Bwalya Ngandu when Miles Sampa was taking over PF leadership and expelling PF MPs ? As former Minister , he ought to have known that Miles was causing by-elections by expelling others .

Ends //


    1. What well articulated? Perhaps well concocted. Rather naively concocted because this supposition that PF wants to test its own popularity via bye-elections is so wayward and childish no mature adult would throw it at any mature audience.
      Why would PF want to test its popularity in such a haphazard plot? Its time Zambia scrutinised the laws surrounding bye-elections. We cant be going for bye elections at the whim of a Speaker nor at the orchestration of the ruling party.
      We should properly define when and how a bye-election can be called and the constituency must play a central role in this. The constituency votes and noone Speaker or loser in their vote should later on interfere

      1. What is hard for you to understand about this situation? Why do you resist the truth that PF, not another party, caused the by-election? Your state of denial contradicts nothing of substance to the subject matter. However, your assertion of your conclusion assumes that the law is not fair and needs to be amended. In the meantime, common sense entails that actions can only be based on the existing laws. Using financial strain as an excuse only serves to undermine the principle of the existing laws.

        Two wrongs do not make a right. Bite the bullet, then argue your point. Otherwise, your good intentions will be mired by prejudice, which makes the politicians even more stupid, and doesn’t foster national development.

      2. Actions speak louder than words. What is an education if it can not solve problems or distinguish leadership from jokers? How can one not see where this MP expulsion thing originated from?
        You want the executive to rescind parliament’s decision? That’s how cocky PF people are, you asked for expulsion of nine Individuals from parliament, you got it, and now you are crying foul! Come on guys, you planted confusion, you are reaping confusion. Or are you trying to find an excuse to bring anarchy in this country? Please! Get wiser than that guys. Mark has explained to everyone very well.
        Please don’t follow a few ‘cantankerous old fosils, nicompoops for those of you that were thought to be upright before. Remember that you could be enjoying a mouthful of groundnuts, but just one rotten one could mess up all things and you are forced to expel everything from your mouth. This country was once held in high regard because we had great leadership. The moment someone organized all gangsters and put them together, even appointing them to government portfolios, we lost it.
        I remember telling my Father in Law when MCS was elected President that this country will never be the same again. He never believed me. Later when we analysed the cabinet and other appointments, my Father in law admitted that there was a lot of Nepotism there.
        When ECL was Minister of Defence and the people of Western Province asked about the promise MCS made over the Barotse Land Agreement, ECL instructed the Army to open fire on those innocent civilians, lots of lives were lost (MTSRIEP). MCL rubbed it in further by speaking into a microphone for everyone to hear, saying anyone who was to be heard saying foo, faa, should be stopped by the gun- pooh!, Faa – pooh! MCS fired nurses, he ejected a lot of MPs, this rising camp was quiet.
        Whatever MCS and ECL discussed was carried on by ECL by ejecting anyone who bore a name from the Zambezi Region. Mwila was in the forefront identifying those who did not belong to the favoured Northern & Eastern block bond.
        That is how, even UpTo today these are the majority in all government institutions and foreign missions.
        We are heading towards recovery, and those few want to mess up all things to try and convince Zambians that HH is the cause, yet we the common people know exactly who the culprits are.
        PF has been a very huge monster of a curse to Zambians and it must be ridden off for good, for the good of the country. Opposition Truckloads of Maize are ever crossing boarders, just to frustrate the efforts of the new dawn government.
        Let’s have some sanity back. Bravo HH, you have sacrificed your popularity with the party cadres and general citizenry for the sake of uniting the country. These decisions are only made by men of integrity, Men who are not there to play to the Gallery.
        Someone under the influence of ‘fwaka wachingoni’ even listed what he called ‘Bemba MPs who were expelled from parliament’ without interrogating why it was only Bemba and Eastern MPs in that Party.
        Sometimes, before uttering any sentence, remember that there are people in this country that have a long history of the deeds the of the PF. Some were even bold enough to go and break into an opposition leader’s house and even shit on his bed during the attempt to ‘smoke him out’.
        All this has been forgotten and someone is even proud to say there was democracy then! What do you think of other tribes? Are they that stupid? Even our Chiefs and Priests trying to support those that have inflicted pain on themselves, just to make HH look bad, are not being good parents.
        If you see your child is in the wrong, don’t spare the rod. By sparing the rode, you are spoiling the child and you will not blame anyone when that child suffers the consequences of being a delinquent. This country was better before PF came in. It will better when the face of PF changes to that of an all inclusive party, not a tribal grouping that was and has been so selfish that they Secretly sponsored their own on government expense to china and other places, and if it was not for COVID, Zambians would not have known what was going on.
        When it came to defence forces recruiting, the same was happening and records are there to show, not what others are hallucinating. These are facts!
        My humble appeal is, please allow HH to heal this country. We have no where to run to if he’ll broke loose while most of those making noise have sent and are still sending their families abroad.
        In other words, we can not be fighting their cause for the troubles they brought upon themselves. Their eyes were and are still on the treasury and not the plight of Zambian People.
        While they were in charge, development was selective, but HH Has distributed CDF equally to all constituencies in this country. What more do you people want for someone to prove that he is genuinely for the good of all in this country?
        For those priests like Alick Banda who are always on the wrong side of the fence, please note that this president does not encourage wastage of tax payers’ money on a few individuals for appeasement. There are so many Zambians suffering and who need genuine help.
        Don’t even waste your time preaching hatred for HH in Church, he is not the reason you were given that opportunity. You were given that opportunity to save lives, to comfort the widows and widowers, the orphans and imbeciles. Not for personal gain! You were given brown envelopes and Porsche cars by ba ‘Tantameni’, did you help the poor with that or you sat back and said to yourselves, “the poor will always be there’? Ala mulechefyako tu wine tulya munwa pa pulpit!

  1. We were talking about useless, misleading, stomach-controlled PhD holders. This is one of them. Misled PDF and now wants to shed crocodile tears to show ECL that the hundreds of thousands of kwacha ECL was paying him are still working. Shameless

  2. Of all the Finance Ministers, this Bwalya Ngandu was the most useless. It’s even a shame that he can still articulate the same PF failed ideas.
    Isnt he the same fool that failed to restructure the huge debt they left? The same idyot that removed student meal allowances? The same arsewhore that denied Free Education to thousands of young Zambians?
    The chap is finished, has no ideas worth debating and tbe best he can do is stay quiet and watch Musokotwane deliver to Zambians!

    1. Iwe, chi foul-mouth. Do you even have a degree, let alone a grade 12 certificate. Nkalako naulemu. Dr. Bwalya Ngandu is not your peer. Are these the manners you are brought up with in Southern Province?

  3. Thank you mark for your well articulated article to counter the propaganda being sprayed around by pf criminals who destroyed the economy of this country. If Pf had rigged the election and continued ruling this country, there could have been no Zambia to talk about by now. PF were a danger not only to Zambians but also to themselves.

  4. If I were Dr Bwalya Ngandu, I would keep quiet. The above article and comments are true reflection of Pf and the doctor’s performance, if at all he is a doctor.

    1. Just a sample of the current Zambian think-tank material! God help us! It’s a heavy cross to carry.

  5. Mwaice Simuuwe, you are punching above your weight. Ninshimbi isho. Graduated from UNZA at first degree with distinction elyo imwe mulechita graduate no tuma credit na silent. Kwatako umucinshi, mwaice!

  6. Even Edgar Lungu thinks he graduated at UNZA without anybody saying he was a class mate of his. He had his own UNZA on Mars. This said, what is a degree or a PHD if you can not show for it? Ng’andu ‘s capability is like a certificate holder, worse more for Lungu. How many times has this graduate been found failing to interpret the law to the amasement of Zambians? And he wants to come back to drink more JAMERSONS!

  7. Graduating with a Distinction does not mean you are the wisest! PhDs unfortunately have made too many to become conceited and wise in their own eyes. The Bible says, do you see someone who is wise in their own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for one who is wise in their own eyes! Proverbs 26:12.
    Our Education System rewards mainly those with the most powerful memories, not necessarily the creative minds.
    In fact, creative minds are failed or given lower grades.
    The tragedy of Zambia today is we have erroneously equated Education to wisdom!
    We had uneducated leaders during UNIP days who governed well using wisdom!
    Then we got educated thieves who continue to plunder the nation to this day!
    We don’t want to diminish the value of a good education! As long as our education is not mixed with Wisdom, that type of education is useless!
    The tragedy is we have more foolish educated minds than uneducated wise minds, hence the Economic mess we are in!
    Some miseducated leaders have over borrowed and bankrupted the nation. Other miseducated leaders have sold the entire 3 years of national food reserves!
    Yes, we may have very educated leaders on paper but their many decisions don’t demonstrate Wisdom!

  8. #chikubabe
    The issue is that you fail to intelligently argue against the points the respectable doc raised. Instead, you just become dismissive and at worst abusive of the respectable gentleman. He is not your class!

  9. But where and when did Ngandu ever boast about his distinction? Its you envious ones who bring it up whenever he silences you with his logical arguments. Because you suffer from the “no degree complex” yu imagine his degree talking to you and you therefore fail to counter his logic. Useless UPND cadres! Try and organise your party instead of specialising in mudslinging

  10. Lol we back at it. Who went to court on pf succession battles? The answer is the pf themselves. To do what? To seek interpretation of which one was the genuine pf worthy expelling the mps. And just imagine this so called notch lawyer being dribbled by mbape (miles sampa) by saying actually I have wrote a letter to parliament that he had rescinded the decision from expelling the nine maps, while the wheels of justice were grinding the case in courts of law with no form of advise from the doc himself Mr Bwalya Ng’andu saying the letter to rescind the decision of the expulsion of the 9 mps was written to the wrong arm of government was not there. Now who do you blame doc? Anyway the pf were all bewitched by seer1 not until they are delivered from that spell drama in pf of blaming wrong people. No matter how you explain the truth, there minds are sealed with the spell not to believe the truth. That’s typical of the pf. How can someone blame the upnd on this one or speaker of the national assembly when she just received a ruling from concourt? Pf drama of 2015 where one won by acclamation and became a soul candidate of that election. The taste of the pudding is in the eating and that’s what the pf is and the nation now is affected due to pf carelessness. Colossal sums of money will be wasted on these artificial bye elections due to the failure of the PF from holding a convention after the candidates had paid the K200,000. Now because they are not in government and have no to steal money from, they stole there own money, hence failure and now it has affected the entire nation through these costly artificial bye election. Ba ng’andu ka biyeeni mukalaale you are making noise.

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