Former Republican Vice President Nevers Mumba has welcomed President Hakainde Hichilema’s pronouncement that the Government intends to embark on a constitution reform process to iron out lacunas.

Dr Mumba says constitutional reform processes need to take place from time to time.

Speaking in an interview with ZANIS in Lusaka, Dr Mumba said a constitution should be work in progress because of the various lacunas in the national document.

Dr Mumba also commended President Hichilema for calling for a less costly constitution making process which will be done without people receiving hefty allowances.

“The President gave an example that some people do not know that there is a lacuna that can make a President stay in office for eight years without an election and you would take it to a constitutional court and the President would win the case so we need to tighten up these issues,” he said.

Meanwhile, Dr Mumba urged the Government to prepare for the worst despite metrological reports suggesting that the country will have rainfall in the forthcoming rainy season.

He said experiences from the drought Zambia suffered last season should ensure that stakeholders are necessarily equipped for any eventuality.

And Dr. Mumba said the President spoke positively on the Government’s interventions regarding the drought.

He however, said concerted efforts are needed from different stakeholders saying the drought which has caused the energy crisis in the country is not a problem only for Government but the rest of the citizenry.

“Let us all embrace this challenge as a Zambian challenge and work together regardless of who you are to solve this problem.


  1. Really! A great man of God an institutional memory. These are the leaders that we want who speak when things are right and even things are wrong he always speak sence and his mind and he always give on point of giving guidance and solutions.

    Our Republican President DR. HAKAINDE Hichilema to continue using these wise leaders to be representing him even outside the Country. These are the ones;
    1. Former Republican Vice – President : Dr. Nervous Sakwila Mumba
    2. Former Republican Vice – President: Mr. Enock Percy Kavindele
    3. Former Republican VicePresident: Retired Army Officer. Brigadier General Godfrey Miyanda.

    4. Former Acting President and Vice President of the Republic of Zambia: Dr. Guy Scort though age and sickness is limiting him.

    5. Former Vice President of the Republic of Zambia: Ms Inonge Wina but age is also limiting her.

    Moreover, creating a constitutional incentive for this Office is one thing we will advocate for so that it’s diginity is maintained and upheld especially that, this time after the amendment of 2016 constitution it is now a constitutional atrachment to the presidency hence as individuals innthese Offices both sarve the same terms of Office once elected into Office .

  2. Sekwila has to sing for his supper! In Bemba: ” pakwakana ubunga,tapabe nsoni”! Ha Hi has to watch out for his investment in Mumba and Kavindele lest it should turn out profitless!!


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