ECL and God’s Favor for National Leadership: 12 Reasons Why PF must welcome, forgive and celebrate Miles Sampa their Prodigal Son- Chris Zumani


ECL and God’s Favor for National Leadership: 12 Reasons Why PF must welcome, forgive and celebrate Miles Sampa their Prodigal Son

By Dr. Chris Zumani Zimba

1. Jesus Christ guided his disciples on the secret behind divine favour and leadership in Mathew 20:26-27 when he said : “whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave”

2. In 2011 when PF formed government, Lungu was not among the to cabinet ministers President Sata assembled. He only started as a deputy minister-he took the posture of lower servants under King Cobra. Later, Sata himself promoted him higher.

3. By the time President Sata was dying, Lungu was acting Republican President, Defence Minister, acting Defense Minister and PF Secretary General. Between 2015 to 2021, despite many obstacles and challenges, Heaven favored Lungu to rule as the Sixth President of this Christian Nation. This was the doing of God!

4. In August 2021, HH with the help of the West became President and ECL graciously and peacefully handed over power to him. Out of evil intentions, in October, 2023, HH schemed to overthrow Lungu from his party and kill PF by dividing it. We know that Miles Sampa was sponsored to get PF from Lungu so that he has no political platform for 2026.

5. Bally did his “mingalato politics” to silence Lungu and burry PF everywhere including registrar of societies and in parliament. Miles Sampa became the darling of HH and Nevers Mumba as they celebrated “stealing PF” from ECL. We saw smiles at Bally’s face as Sampa was even given official state security. King Nebuchadnezzar was very happy!

6. As expected, HH’s “presidential envoy” but practically “his Chola boy or chief praise singer”, Nevers Mumba was also seen many times mocking Lungu and dinning with Miles Sampa to kiss and applaud Bally’s good efforts in punishing and finishing ECL. HH’s second term was being cooked as per plan!

7. But God was still speaking the same message to Lungu of 2015 from Jeremiah 1:5-“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations”. National Leadership especially in the land of praying Christians can not come from man or America but from God above.

8. On 30th June, 2024, Lungu and Miles Sampa met after 3 years and conferred in the middle of the night while Bally and Nevers Mumba were dreaming and snoring! When they woke up, they found social media dancing and celebrating the “political reunion” of ECL and Bally’s project-Miles Sampa in stylish pictures everywhere.

9. This unexpected meeting between Lungu and Sampa speaks of God’s favour on LUNGU’S national leadership. This meeting is confirmed in Zechariah 4:6, the Bible says “ This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the LORD Almighty.

10. Miles Sampa is LUNGU’S prodigal son who had gone astray and very far. Now that he has realized his wrongs and decided to comeback to his political father in humility and apology, the PF family must embrace him with love, grace, forgiveness and compassion as their own brother.

11. If Lungu who was most humiliated and politically injured has forgiven and embraced his prodigal son, there should be no reason for anyone in PF to hate or shun Miles Sampa. Bitterness, vengeance and anger is the political spirit that controls UPND and rules Community House. PF must always do the opposite!

12. We surely expect President Lungu, when the storm is over and PF is back to its original formats as one political family, to throw “a big feast” to toast and celebrate the coming back of his lost son, Miles Sampa. This is important because President Sata and Lungu have built PF on the wheels of forgiveness and human love.

Dr Chris ZUMANI Zimba is a Political Scientist, Researcher, Author & Consultant specialized in Comparative Global Governance and Democratic Theories. He holds a PhD, MA, BA and Cert in Political Science. Zimba was President Lungu’s Political Advisor from December 2019 to August 2021. By philosophical approach, Dr. Zimba is a Pan Africanist as well as Afro-Christian by religion.


  1. After demonising HH and UPND as being the master minds behind the PF self inflicted confusion?

    Leadership is about taking responsibility, not spinning and twisting the narrative to grab the sympathy of onlookers.

  2. Chris Zumani is an injured man. He is very angry person. He needs a touch of grace from Jesus Christ. He idolizes ECL.

  3. Ati heaven favoured lungu, WTF is this baboon talking about, damn PF is full of CHIKALA’S.

  4. We are out of Egypt and we are not going back. There may have been mealie meal in Egypt, but we are not going back to slavery, NO!

  5. Oil and Water; Clay and Iron. The two can’t mix. This country has always had two regions: The Zambezi Region and the Muchinga region. Kaunda tried to mix them in his “One Zambia One Nation” motto. Good try! but his efforts were like putting a bandage on a cancerous wound. Each Region blames the other Region as being Tribal. And we continue pretending like Ostriches with “our heads stuck in the sand” that we are not Tribal and a Christian Nation. We are just simple and petty Hypocrites as a people. By 2026 we will be back to 1960s of UNIP and ANC reincarnated in the form of PF (Muchinga Region) and UPND (Zambezi Region). We have not really developed as a country (politically and economically) in the last 60 years. My view.

    • Voice of the PF idiots walemba masushi iwe PF loser. Zumani has written too much falsehood, inaccuracies and nonsense bwana. The idiot worshipping Edgar Lungu. That’s blasphemy iwe PF loser.

    • Pk Chishala you don’t get tired hallucinating iwe PF loser kanshi? Aikona Man iwe wanyanya Mambala wakanthu kulotauka!

  6. The confusion in PF is self inflicted. Mr. Lungu was busy playing hide and seek and pretending that he had retired from PF and politics while running the party from behind the scenes until Mr. Sampa flushed him out into the open (he was being sly like the snake he is). There was no “imingalato”. PF simply scored a series of own goals.

    Yes, God ordained Mr. Lungu to be the sixth President of Zambia and the same God rejected Mr. Lungu and ordained Mr. Hichilema to be the seventh President of Zambia, hard as it is for you, Dr. Zumani, to accept. So be careful what you say.

    I understand Dr. Zumani worshiping Mr. Lungu. But then, he should realise that the same God lifted him from his humble station in life to being political advisor to the sixth president. In Dr. Zumani’s thinking, he owes an eternal debt of gratitude to Mr. Lungu. No, you should be eternally grateful to God. Your worship of Mr. Lungu is idolatry.

  7. Please PF criminals are gone and dusted forget zumani about PF criminals on the ground most of PF criminal’s offices are closed therefore I don’t see any sense from your pity latrine articles.

  8. Chris Zumani Zimba stop hallucinating and your 12 points of unsubstantiated reasoning are becoming baseless and monotonous. I wonder the political science you learnt and have been teaching students at UNZA as your articulation of issues is not level-headed. Your style of writing is pathetic and below par. The period Edgar Chagwa Lungu was president and before your appointment as political adviser to a dictatorial and corrupt leader you criticised him and had no kind words for him. If you were a principled person as you falsely portray yourself you could have refused the appointment. Your love of money and lack of conscious made you to accept a political appointment from the person who undermined. What good did you see in Edgar Chagwa Lungu apart from the money you were coerced with you. Your advocacy to see Edgar Chagwa Lungu become back to power is not genuine but simply a means of getting money from Edgar Chagwa Lungu.

    Chris Zumani Zimba you lack principles and your talk is full of rhetoric and theories from lecturing outdated political science and history. You have no practical work experience apart from lecturing what you have never experienced.

    Please stop misleading yourself as most your writings are merely cheap politics and falsehood.

  9. Don’t use God in your useless issues. In 2021 you even created Christians for ECL, but did it take you? Your party is full of blasphemy.


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