The Uka alliance was initially supposed to be called the PF alliance, given the party’s significant presence in Zambia’s political landscape.

As Langson Phiri , President of Youth for Good Governance and Mobilization National Chairperson of the New Era Democratic Party, I believe it’s essential to clarify the alliance’s stance on President Lungu’s candidacy.

The people of Zambia are eager to know whether President Edgar Chagwa Lungu  will be the Uka alliance’s presidential candidate in 2026. As a key figure in the New Era Democratic Party  Era Democratic Party, I can confidently say that our party stands firmly behind President Lungu.

We believe he is the only candidate who can defeat the incumbent president, Hakainde Hichilema, in the 2026 elections. The PF party still maintains a strong presence in Zambia, and President Lungu’s popularity endures.

During the former first lady’s court appearance, only a few individuals showed up to demonstrate solidarity, including our party’s president, Madam Exilda Mwenya , UBZ president Apostle Sondoo New Era Democratic party General Secretary Apostle Simon Mwanza Jnr  and New Era Democratic party National mobilization Chair Hon. Langson Phiri- Youth Ambassador  The absence of PF MPs and central committee members was conspicuous, raising questions about their commitment to President Lungu.

As the Uka alliance moves forward, it’s crucial to acknowledge the people’s desire for President Lungu’s candidacy. The youths and citizens at large are clamoring for his return to the political fray.

I would like to appreciate The New Era Democratic Party’s executive board  for standing by President Lungu during this challenging period.

The Uka alliance must recognize the significance of PF’s presence in Zambian politics. President lungu experience and leadership qualities make him an ideal candidate for the 2026 elections.

The alliance should not underestimate the people’s desire for President Lungu’s return to power. As a youth ambassador, I can attest to the enthusiasm and support for President Lungu among young people.

The Uka alliance must capitalize on this momentum to ensure a united front in the 2026 elections. President Lungu’s candidacy is not just about personal ambition but about the future of Zambia.

The people are eager for a leader who can address their concerns and deliver on promises. The 2026 elections will be a defining moment for Zambia’s democracy.

The Uka alliance must put aside differences and rally behind President Lungu. Our party will continue to mobilize support for President Lungu’s candidacy.

The people’s voices must be heard, and their desires respected. President Lungu’s leadership is essential for Zambia’s progress and stability.

The Uka alliance should not ignore the people’s clamor for President Lungu’s return. As a key stakeholder in the alliance, our party will ensure that President Lungu’s candidacy is given the attention it deserves.

The 2026 elections will be a test of the alliance’s commitment to the people. We must put the people’s interests above personal ambitions.

The future of Zambia depends on our ability to work together and support the right candidate – President Edgar Lungu.

Langson phiri
Youth ambesodor.


  1. You are fielding a candidate who does not qualify to stand. He has already served 2 terms. Talk about losing before the game even begins.

    Henyway, we all know you just want to chew money that Lungu stole before it is forfeited to the state. Eat. Sebana wiukute.

  2. Hehehehehe yaba you can laugh. Which experience and leadership qualities do you mean? Kindly itemise them. The UKWA members are alive to the fact that this mam you are trying to impose on them is not salable. He Is a miss!!! You can not convince the populace without talking his past. You will have to talk about caderism, tribalism, gassing, corruption and above all how he amased wealth within fews years of being a president. Anyway tough lack!

  3. Bring him on board you shall see how ZNBC and PRIME TV we will air his past behavior bwana, mind you this person killed nsama nsama, kasongo, Kaunda, matapa, menyani, Lawrence, Mugala, vasper and mapezi chibulo apart from that PF government ligalized cadrism police brutality gassing land grabbing thuggerism nepotism favoritism and corruption kuti waiba but not kuiba nambuto what a bad behavior.

  4. A day before elections, Lungu was asked about the issue of cadres, His answer was I quote ” I am very proud of our cadres” end of quote. This was on live radio and I suppose it did put the last nail in his political coffin. He may say he has reformed but those cadres are waiting on the sidelines to begin using his name again in the atrocities they commit, those people have not changed all what has changed is the amount of money in their pockets which they would want to enhance again using Lungu’s name should he in the unlikely even come back, Lungu has not repented also, what is bringing him back according to himself is to protect himself and his family. Let his address the immense wealth accumulated by himself his family and his associates so that he tells us the magic, maybe we may lean to be overnight billionaires as well, but can he address that? I don’t think so. it is those things that dissuade people from trusting him again, if he came out clean on those and show remorse maybe just maybe, he could change the perception. But he has decided to live with “NO”

  5. We know that how much lungu is buying these small political parties for his support. If lungu and pf can do it why are trying to squeeze him in UKA. Quit UKA and form PF alliance so that you prove yourselves right.


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