Economic Front spokesperson resigns, says he doesn’t agree with Wynter Kabimba joining UPND


Economic Front spokesperson resigns, says he doesn’t agree with Wynter joining UPND

ECONOMIC Front spokesperson and acting presidential spokesperson Humphrey Kabwe has resigned from the party noting that he does not agree with the party’s president Wynter Kabimba’s decision to join the UPND alliance.

In a statement, Kabwe stated that the EF’s sudden change of stance on the ruling party  demonstrates lack of integrity and morals.

He accused the UPND of having capitalist policies which he has always been against since he joined the EF.

“It’s with a heavy heart that I make this decision but I had no option. I don’t agree with the position our party has taken to go into an alliance with the UPND government. Zambians deserve better leadership than the UPND. I can’t continue to serve the party with my full consciousness with this move our party has taken. Hence my decision to resign,” stated Kabwe.

He further claimed that the ruling party had failed to run the country and Zambians.

Kabwe added that he will continue to speak for them for Zambians.

He expressed gratitude to his former boss and the entire party for having given him an opportunity to serve.

By Catherine Pule

Kalemba, September 16, 2024


  1. So the so called “democrat” has undemocratic tendencies? Making party decisions without consulting?
    Kabimba the arrogant and bully that he was while he was working in the public service.
    No wonder you seem to have something in common with Mmembe.

    • Jata Bulenge iwe “Jata Muneke wako”, the fact the tribal idiot has left the Economic Front is enough a sign that there is democracy. Go to hell with irresponsible outbursts.

      • Insulting is all you know. Anyone who has a different opinion from you is insulted? Clearly you dont think.
        How is my comment tribal? Stop being prejudice and open your eyes.
        Kabimba has nothing to offer UPND. Neither is he democratic in his conduct. Who did he consult when arriving at his decision to join the alliance? Political parties are no personal cattel to make decisions at a whim. I hope others follow the resignation of Kabwe. And it has nothing to do with tribe unlike your myopic notion suggests, just someone leaving cause Kabimba is acting like a Political Party is his. No bwana that is not how parties are run.
        And if you cant realise that then you are equally not worth anything as a human. Use what God gave you. Dont just insult like you are insane.

  2. So which Central Committee met and agreed to go into alliance with Upnd if the most important head of communication in Kabimba’s party has decided to resign, because of the perceived alliance! I think most Zambians have nothing to do in the area of developing the country! They are just interested in filling their individual bellows! How can a party without members even have a central committee? The Zambian economy is almost shutting down because of lack of seriousness by those in the fore front of leading the country!


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