Edgar Lungu will be in Luapula province from Tuesday 11th June 2024 to Friday 15th June 2024


Sixth Republican Presidenti His Excellency Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu and president of the Patriotic Front-PF will be in Luapula province from Tuesday 11th June 2024 to Friday 15th June 2024

During his visit, he will meet chiefs ,PF structures and church leadership. According to reliable source he will visit Mansa,Kawabwa and Chelenge .

He will be accompanied by Former ministers, PF MCC. All PF leadership in Luapula province must prepare his visit and challenges they have will face since PF lost elections.

Take this as official notice. We left massive infrastructure and food for our people
A new PF with greater vision .We promise we deliver


  1. Which party do you belong to me snake ? Because the registered pf is for SAMPA, UKwa has each individual president. Wmwalikakatilafye pf yamwaiche miles ba snake insoni ebuntu concentrate on your top notch layer issues and corruption cases before you and your family

  2. This is what happens when Institutions charged with arbitrating cases become Goalkeepers… keeping cases without making judgements. From October 2023 Hon Judge Chocho Situmbeko kept looking at the case without making rulings..Enter Hon Judge Siloka, he dismisses the case of the 9 PF presidential candidates against Miles Sampa on preliminary issues without hearing substantive issues… Hear the case , make judgement, and let go of the case to allow the higher courts also look at the case if the aggrieved choose to appeal.Thats the Judicial System I Know.
    No one knows where the PF cases before Hon Judge Timothy ( suspended) are.
    Where do the aggrieved go if not to our Courts?
    Meanwhile we have another institution ,the Zambia Police , always stopping the Opposition from interacting with people through Public Rallies .
    Then you have the Registrar of Societies failing to register the United Kwacha Alliance ( UKA).
    These are grounds for anarchy in a Country.
    When people lose faith in Institutions they start doing what they consider to be justified and right..

  3. Let him go to the pipo from whom he stole funds for construction of ther university. Che! Eeeci cintu eeci! It cant go to Southern or Western or NW! That is how discrimates these provinces even when in power. Ya! Eeve power KAMULUBA BADAALA, forget about returning to state house. We also know that the only motivation to go back to state house is to deal with HH and UPND, and to steal public resources again. Nothing to do with economic reconstruction. Che! Ubeya bulyo!

  4. I thought His Excellency was under House Arrest? So he can freely move around in the country? BBC and VoA here is free but worthy news for you ma Fella!!!

  5. Yes, Mr. Lungu and PF left massive debts that hang around our collective neck like a millstone.

    They are looking for a second chance to loot the treasury.

  6. Former President Edgar C. Lungu is a serial liar. Just a few days ago he told BBC and CNN that he was house arrest. He is not allowed to move around in the country. Here he is travelling to Luapula where he will even meet chiefs. He is doing things he used to deny President HH7. ECL is a big hypocrite.


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