By Chanoda Ngwira F

President Edgar Lungu’s recent acknowledgment of the wrongs that occurred during his presidency, including issues like cadrism, highlights the profound impact of recognizing one’s mistakes. Admitting faults takes courage and humility, signaling a readiness to evolve and improve. By openly admitting to these shortcomings, President Edgar Chagwa Lungu  sets a powerful example for others in positions of authority, demonstrating the importance of accountability and self-reflection.

Promising to do better next time showcases a commitment to growth and change. President Lungu’s pledge signifies a willingness to listen, learn, and adapt, essential qualities for effective leadership. Embracing this mindset creates a foundation for progress and instills hope for a future marked by positive transformation and improvement. It also fosters trust and credibility among the public, showing a leader who is not afraid to confront past mistakes and work towards a better tomorrow.

The power of acknowledging mistakes lies in its ability to inspire confidence and restore faith in leadership. President Lungu’s openness about past shortcomings humanizes him and makes him more relatable to the people he serves. This transparency can lead to increased understanding and empathy from the public, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose. By embracing his errors and vowing to rectify them, President Lungu demonstrates a willingness to listen to feedback and prioritize the well-being of the nation above personal pride.

In essence, President Edgar Lungu’s public admission of mistakes and promise to do better next time underscores the transformative power of humility and self-improvement in leadership. This pivotal moment not only marks a shift towards progress but also sets a precedent for accountability and growth in governance. By acknowledging past wrongs and committing to positive change, President Lungu shows that the journey to becoming a better leader begins with owning up to one’s faults and embracing the opportunity to evolve.

(Chanoda Ngwira is a Public Administrator, Teacher, Former Trade Unionist, Politician, Public Speaker, Writer and Political Commentator. For private engagements, email; orisonconsult@gmail.com/chanodangwira@yahoo.com)


  1. The man is gone, and it’s over. Zambia has a lot of intelligent leaders that can make a better president than Adada.
    The man became the president by chance, he’s not even a presidential material.
    So, championing for this man to become the president of Zambia, is like calling for UNIP to come back in power, which is impossible.

    You guys should start organising for the future president and forget Lungu. This man is just wasting your time, so before it’s too late saleni amano bane

  2. The man is gone, and it’s over. Zambia has a lot of intelligent leaders that can make a better president than Adada.
    The man became the president by chance, he’s not even a presidential material.
    So, championing for this man to become the president of Zambia again, is like calling for UNIP to come back in power, which is impossible.

    You guys should start organising for the future president and forget Lungu. This man is just wasting your time, so before it’s too late saleni amano bane

  3. A snake as he has attributed himself to be cant change its skin. It can shed it but NOT change.

    Secondly, the bible in Genesis, spoke of man’s relationship with the snake. It will seek to bruise the heel of man and man will seek to bruise its head.
    How then can ECL the snake ever have a symbiotic relationship if he suggests he is a snake? His motive will always be selfserving just like most snakes…..

  4. A pig will be a pig… clean the pig and let it will still go back in the mad.ECL is gone and there’s no way he can be back as president.

  5. This Chanoda gentleman is in overdrive trying to sell Mr. Lungu. He is really desparate to have his financier access the national treasury again.

    Mr. Lungu is incorrigible. He is incapable of changing for the better. Just recently in Samfya, he gave us a glimpse into his soul when he threatened to pursue civil servants who he regards as opposing him when he bounces back to power. Does thay speak of a repentant Lungu? Of course it is not him who will pursue the civil servants. It is his commanders and cadres! Nothing has changed. It is the same old violent, corrupt, lawless, arrogant, Kleptomaniac Lungu.

  6. Mr. Ngwira. You and your cronies need to know that you will NEVER get a second chance to still our money. NEVER!!! Lungu must know that once beaten twice shy. Stats don’t lie. Zambians don’t give a second chance and I am very happy it won’t happen now. Zwaaaa to criminals.

  7. Mr. Ngwira you and your cronies need to know that you will NEVER get a second chance to access our treasury. NEVER!!! Lungu must know that once beaten twice shy. Stats don’t lie. Zambians don’t give a second chance and I am very happy it won’t happen now. Zwaaaa to criminals.

  8. ECL came to power as a vulnerable person whose ascendancy was dependent of other people to finance him because he did not have the capacity to finance himself, so when he ascended to power, he had to appease those that supported him resulting in him looking elsewhere when they looted, now this looting resulted in everyone now falling in line as it was now a way of life, cadres too who felt they played a row with their pangaz at Mulungushi also found a way to survive using those same pangaz that they thought brought him to power, even there he looked away, now this looking away by now could have made the country totally ungovernable because those who were not cadres would have had to also devise a way of defending themselves and the country could have been of fire. ECL did not look at the effects of his governance in future, he lived for the moment.


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