– Zambians are WRONG “They are always complaining”

– Zambians are WRONG ‘They can go back to the village’

– The Catholics are WRONG

– The UCZ are WRONG

– The RCZ are WRONG

– The Anglicans are WRONG

– The Baptists are WRONG

– The Methodists are WRONG

– The Pentecostals are WRONG

– The Church in its entirety is WRONG


– Opposition political parties are WRONG

– Civil Society is WRONG

EVERYBODY is wrong ONLY Mr Hichilema is right about the state of affairs in the country and everything else that he is saying and doing! Nangu tapasoswa!

Compatriots, fellow Zambians, we need to redeem ourselves from this mistake.

Fred M’membe
President of the Socialist Party


  1. So says who? As if you are not a journalist, don’t you hear and read what is happening around the world? For example, yesterday Egypt just increased the price of bread, their staple food by 300%, where do you think the high cost of living is none existent? So stop inciting people for the sake of gaining political mileage, instead encourage people to develop the culture of growing their own food for consumption . If that is achieved, we can cut the demand of mealie meal by half or more. Hence no one will be told to lower the price otherwise where and who is going to buy the expensive mealie meal any more? That what self sufficiency in food means. As long as you fail to grow your own food, then you make yourself a perpetual slave and you will be complaining throughout your life. We just pray to God to give us enough rains next season and that’s when you will know that kanshi pali vision pali HH. This time around, there is nothing to liberate ourselves from because we already did so in August, 2021 and we want to maintain our hard won freedom in 2026.

  2. It’s actually the other way round, everyone is ok with HH except you. You’re a time waster and just a cadre.

  3. Very selective. You brought Sata through your writings but now Zambians aren’t gullible. We know your ulterior motive you brought tribalism by your bantustan rantings.

  4. Fred M’membe you are a great danger and destructor to the unity of Zambia. Your false utterances and evil propaganda has no effect on the politics of Zambia. You are a shameless evil and wicked person who uses falsehood and delusions to perpetual malice on innocent people and the government. Practice of old fashioned politics has no place in this modern era.

    Do not drag the church and other people into your evil thoughts and propaganda people are tired of listening to your hallucinations and gibberish talk.

    Fred M’membe’ s jealous and hatred towards president Hikainde Hichilema is causing him to have a reactive jealous attitude on anything the new dawn government is doing.


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