By UPND Online Campaign Media

The recent abduction and tragic death of Muleya has sent shockwaves across Zambia, leaving a trail of sorrow and outrage in its wake. However, what’s even more appalling is the deafening silence from the same individuals and groups who were once vocal about similar incidents. This selective outrage is a stark reminder of the PF’s hypocrisy and their penchant for exploiting tragedies for political gain.

Do you remember when JJ Banda faked his own abduction? The PF machinery went into overdrive, crying foul and pointing fingers. They orchestrated a chorus of condemnation, accusing their opponents of being responsible for the “heinous” act. But now that Muleya, a non-PF member, has lost his life under similar circumstances, the same voices are eerily quiet. The silence is deafening, and it speaks volumes about the PF’s insincerity.

Where are the “concerned” Zambians who were quick to condemn and accuse when it suited their narrative? Why are the religious groups, who often speak out against injustice, silent on this matter? Have they suddenly lost their voice, or are they only willing to speak out when it serves the PF’s interests?

The truth is, the PF is only interested in making noise when it serves their interests. They’re quick to point fingers and shift blame, but when the tables turn, they’re nowhere to be found. This is not only hypocritical but also a betrayal of the trust that Zambians have placed in them.

We call upon the government to ensure that those responsible for Muleya’s death are brought to justice. We demand a thorough investigation and accountability for this heinous crime. We also urge our followers to share their thoughts on this matter. Let’s expose the PF’s hypocrisy and demand accountability.


  1. PF have a very bad mentality they behave like little chicks of day old when light is withdran from the brooder.They make noise so much that some start breaking the law with comments that cause them to be arrested.When TV sets were stolen from ECL’s residence they made noise and accusing UPND when in fact it was their own cadres.On JJ’s abduction they made noise to the extent of disturbing every body in the country and we heard different comments which some are court cases.We want to hear their comments on murdered Muleta but nothing.Not even condolences to the family and the nation.You say these must be given chance to rule again.No I think it’s over with these guys.Maybe they haven’t heard about the death of Muleya.I was imagining on Tramp’s ear if it was here it would have been something else.Maturity is very important.You wait for investigations by the police not issuing statements that are alarming.Look at maturity from UPND and government.Every one is just shocked but quiet waiting for outcome from investigations from police.

  2. UPND were not sympathetic when JJ Banda was abducted. They insinuated that Banda was faking abduction or was abducted by PF. There was even an element of joy for what Banda was going through. So, what do they want PF to do over the recent abduction and death? UPND is responsible for dividing the country along ethnic and political lunes than never before. Because of this division, we cannot expect unity as a country when one section of society experiences distress.

    • Stop being malicious. The circimstances under which Jayjay is alledged to be abducted is unclear and the reports that emerged from his own family question the validity of his own story of abduction. There so many conflicting stories. Until the truth is known the said abduction is questionable.
      The death and circimstances surrounding the death of Mr. Muleya is unfortunate and based on that reported. He went to work, had lunch with his brother and left work. Beyond that we are informed the matter is being investigated.
      There is no story of wife one speaking of a meeting. There is no story of wife packing clothes in the wee hours of the night. The whole debacle raises so many questions about Jay Jay, as a person.

  3. This so called Upnd media comprises very dull characters. I hope they are not all from one tribe! This Muleya of yours, was he a politician or a public servant! PF is in politics and public servants belong to the government of the day as, Upnd government, like Muleya, was even appointed the IBZ board, which is in turn was appointed by the sitting government through the responsible minister! What has it got to do with PF, a political party? PF is into politics and not public service governance. The problem with lots of people in Upnd government and media team, is that they don’t know their terms of reference! When you are in public office, find time to read your terms of reference so that you don’t talk and behave like a whirlwind! So Upnd government and state house know they mis fired by abducting Jay Jay Banda, now Upnd has been caught pants down, hence trying to bring in the death of their Muleya in foolish comparison. From the look of things Muleya may not even have been abducted, but just shot by some people whose paths he may have trodden. Please PF media team or PF politicians don’t even waste time reacting to this nonsense! Jay Jay Banda is a politician and his abduction was political, his incarceration is political, Upnd are just guilt about it. Muleya is a public servant and PF has nothing to go with public servants! Anyway what do you want PF to say about a nonentity who had no bearing on the party! Just set Jay Jay, don’t compare incomparables!


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