By Falcon  Editor,

Fellow Countrymen and women , we are aware of the desperate scheme by the plan “B” Edgar Chagwa   Lungu team in which they are busy paying different players a lot of money to paint the United Party for National Development (UPND) government black , through skilled and sponsored propaganda write ups to the international institutions, publishing  fake information and messages on Zambia’s Human Rights record .

The scheme is to frustrate the efforts made by President Hakainde Hichilema to recover Zambia’s economic fortunes which lost in the PF rampant corruption  and irresponsible leadership; The aim  is to destroy investor confidence.

The scheme further is to stifle the achievements  Zambia has made by standing out as the best investment destination in the world.

The scheme by Edgar Chagwa Lungu and his minions is a desperate undertaking and a waste of stolen money .

Mr Lungu , yesterday undertook a seemingly medical trip to South Africa with some of his misguided members , who started publishing propaganda right at the Kenneth Kaunda International AirPort claiming that police were intimidated by UN officials’ presence , which was cheap politics done out of desperation.

All Zambians know that Zambia houses the United Nations offices with credible staff , as such police would not be stopped by an institution from carrying out their mandate . The only reason for  Mr Lungu’s  trip is that the government okeyed the trip .

After seeing that his expected drought could not hit Zambia , Lungu has now resorted to sponsoring individuals, organizations, private citizens to dent the image of Zambia hoping the international community would isolate Zambia and later on , Zambians hate President Hakainde Hichilema and his government .

All these attempts are the last kicks of a dying horse . PF is dead and buried . They stole a lot of money from Zambians , caused bloodshed, gassing , destroyed the mining sector and stopped recruitment youths in government.

Here is the message posted by Edgar Lungu and his minions captured by Falcon :

Let us take advantage of the presence of the UN Rapporteur to report the Human rights a uses in Zambia.
We need to help for example Hon Mumbi Phiri, Why Me, the young man in prison in Kalomo etc to write their reports.
Let’s flood her with emails.
Organize ordinary citizens, youths, women etc to report as well.

I will be forward the email and template
The email must be well structured. The abuses should be clearly categorized and UPND underlying motivates and assumptions included.

I propose the following categories:
1. Current saving MPs
2. ⁠Former Ministers
3. ⁠Former MPs
4. ⁠Current MCCs
5. ⁠Current party leaders at other levels
6. ⁠Former Senior government officials appointed by our President (includes PSs, DCs ets)
7. ⁠Social Media influencers
8. ⁠Journalists etc”. End of quote !

The message above demonstrates political recklessness, lopsided reasoning , extreme  and dangerous appetite for power , uncaring bitter heart for the people of Zambia .

We all know that under  HH’s leadership, Zambia has seen unprecedented growth in the mining sector , free education, peace , increase in CDF, meaningful fight against corruption in which Ukwa bags have been recovered , timely payment of salaries of civil servants , an end  to bloodshed and gassing , among others .

In other countries, Edgar Lungu could have been jailed by now . 

This is the quality leadership Zambia has been lacking for years .

For the first time from independence, Zambia has managed  to recruit over 42,000 teachers in a space of two years .

We want to urge Edgar Lungu to own up and accept that Zambians retired him in 2021 after he lost by a wide margin . Let the old man retire in peace and act honorably like a former head of state , than planning evil and planting a seed of anarchy in Zambia.

Ends //


  1. There could be better human rights complaints to be advanced around,like payment of pension money to retirees who were retired on national interest and voluntary as well as classified daily employees whose job was terminated in restructuring program of the civil service of 1998 and 2000, and we’re under paid almost to say they were not paid at all.The PF failed to resolve this.
    Human rights violation is not there when political activists abuse office of the President by insults, misinformation that is bordering on criminality in nature.We have our penal code and CPC (criminal procedure code) which guides all nationals and political players and lawyers as well as the Police on matters of law and offences that may be committed by citizens and how they are handled.The opposition that we have deliberately break the law with impunity continuously with the view of gaining sympathy and political mileage.They break the laws, one person after the other in order to increase the numbers of those arrested by the police for various offences and other offences criminal in nature and unbailable.This behaviour is uncouth and these culprits are incorrigible and starborn.
    I submit.

  2. Honestly UPND have just FAILED to govern.

    Their one term in office has SOLELY been wasted on pursuing ECL.

    No wonder our economy is a mess.

    Even after ECL passes on, they will continue pursuing him.

    What a waste of 5 years for Zambia.

    In the meantime, you will not hear Captain Ibrahim Traore blaming his predecessors for anything. He has just carried on delivering for his country. That is the type of leadership we require in our country.

    Vote wisely in 2026.

    • Under traore no fools like indiyo and even the former head of state cant speaks a word. That’s why he walks around with a gun you idiot. Nobody talks, you are complaining of hh trying to recover stolen money through courts of law, Ibrahim just sent his personnel to go collect what he thinks they have stolen. I wish hh can chase the un preps and state treating pf thieves the way they ll enjoy.

  3. Zambia is in safe and capable hands. No need to even lose sleep over tuma plan B, which are just a nauseating distraction from the noble efforts of this government to mop up the mess left by the same clandestine cartel.

  4. If I had anything to report to the UN rapporteur, it would have been that cadre who beat up Given Lubinda himself as Justice Minister at that time.
    I don’t know if PF members think we’re idiots we don’t know what they did while in power.
    Anyway, every normal person can compare what poncho did with his commanders. His children suddenly became millionaires overnight. Even Bill Gates has never gifted his children 70 cars on their birthdays


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