FAZ IS SERVED: Kamanga & His Cronies Must Announce The Date Of Elective AGM In 7 Days
This morning, I delivered a letter asking the FAZ Executive Committee to respect the constitution and its councillors by announcing the date of the 2025 elective annual general meeting.
The FAZ General Secretary
Football House
Alick Nkhata Road
ATTEN: Reuben Kamanga
Dear sir,
Ref: Announcement of the 2025 FAZ elections and its road map
Refer as above.
As a Zambian football stakeholder, I am compelled to draw your attention to constitutional provisions of the FAZ which you are abrogating with impunity.
The four-year term of office for the current Executive Committee expires on February 28, 2025 as stipulated in Article 33(3) of the 2024 FAZ Constitution.
By operation of the FAZ Constitution, it is instructive that you give a 60-day notice to your members about the elective Annual General Meeting (AGM) which, to be precise, is December 28, 2024. These members serve the 20 million Zambians who contribute to the successful financing and administration of the game – so kindly note my vested interest as a stakeholder.
In view of the foregoing, I write to demand that you impress on your Executive Committee to convene the deferred meeting and devise the roadmap for this important event in our football.
Failure to timely call for this meeting borders on serious constitutional mischief and has financial implications against the association and individual executive committee members.
It is law in this country that public officers who stay in office beyond their mandate are liable to refund all allowances accrued to them during that period as guided by the Constitution Court in the case of the 63 ministers
You are hereby advised to show some courtesy and demonstrate respect to FAZ Councilors and the general public by announcing the date of the next AGM and provide a roadmap for the elections so that those who qualify to serve can start campaigning without looking behind their back.
Failure to comply with this public interest request will leave me with no options but to seek legal redress in an ordinary court which you and I are aware will attract FIFA sanctions for what is deemed as third-party interference but is still my inalienable
right to ensure public institutions such as yours are accountable and uphold the tenets of good governance.
Therefore, if you are true servants of the Zambian game, I beseech your office to comply by the FAZ constitution to avoid a legal rigmarole that has the potential to throw the careers of many Zambian players into jeopardy.
Yours in sport
Augustine N. Mukoka
Football Stakeholder
Contact: +1469-209-3582
Email: anmukoka@gmail.com
Cc: Mulunda & Company
Cc: All FAZ Executive Members
Cc: All FAZ Councillors