FORMER Minister of Health under the Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD), Brian Chituwo has praised government for placing much emphasis on improving the good health of the people in the country.

Dr. Chituwo observed that though improvement of the health sector is a process because of its complex nature, the new administration has managed to bring infant mortality rate down among others.

Speaking in an interview with ZANIS in Chongwe District shortly after attending the Rotary family health day, Dr. Chituwo, however said the country still has the problem of maternal mortality which should be addressed quickly.

“So far the Ministry of Health has done so much to improve the health services of the Zambian people, improvement of the health sector is a process, but at the rate the Ministry is rolling out various interventions to strengthen the health sector, the future of the Ministry is bright,” he said.

Dr Chituwo underscored the importance of partnerships between the Ministry of Health with other stakeholders, such as the Rotary club, who have been supplementing Government’s efforts in addressing health challenges in the country.

Dr. Chituwo added that as Zambia marks 60 years of independence, the Ministry of Health should strengthen and embrace partnerships with health related organisations.

Meanwhile Dr Chituwo also commended Government for its unwavering commitment to address the drought crisis which has negatively affected the agriculture and energy sectors among others.

And Chongwe District Health Services Director, Mweene Nseluke noted that the District health office has the desire to promote health services and that the strategic plan aims to work in collaboration with other stakeholders in enhancing quality health of the people.



    • You missed the point, Pafwenama. Brian provided some supporting statistics for his assertion. What do you have, for your accusation? Besides, is it wrong to look for a job? You can do better!

  1. If scientists can be liars then we are not going anywhere as a country…Can Dr Chituwo point at interventions which the UPND government has put in place to reduce the infant mortality in Zambia in the last two years? What maternal infrastructure has the UPND Government put in place in the last two years to increase access to martenal health services for expecting mothers? What policies in Martenal health has the Ministry of health put in place in the last two years?
    How long does it take for interventions in the health sector to start bearing fruit? How has been the trend of infant mortality in Zambia in the last 10 years?
    Ifyabupuba mu Zambia is just too much..We are dealing with educated idiots motivated by the stomach, who have become praise thugs , just for a dollar. It’s normal for an uneducated idiot to make such statements, but not a medical doctor who was even Health Minister..
    Come and enroll at my institute I educate you on how to conduct research, and develop the capacity to come up with valid conclusions…it seems hunger has made your brain stale. Atase.

    • Dr Chituwo is merely cheering the home team.He is not a Shishuwa Shishuwa,by any means ! Please don’t take my friend seriously. He is a good man in the “John McCaain III” sense ,who has brought up his children very well and very successfully


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