GBM popularized HH using his hard earned resources- GBM family


Grateful for the visits by chairman of UKA, Hon Sakwiba Sikota SC and Mr. Kelvin Bwalya Fube, KBF, President ZMP and my attorney.

Below is a message from my family to who this may concern.

As family of Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba, we are now concerned with the treatment that he is receiving from state organs with regards his health. We believe that this is so, because of orders from the executive and a few individuals holding absolute authority and are directing officers from other branches of government to carry out their desires and overlook his human rights to receive medical care, whether outside the country or within by showing callousness to his condition.

Despite the ACC denying him exit to a pre-arranged appointment and for medical treatment in South Africa,at KKIA, they now seek and have issued a bench warrant to have him incarcerated just when he is being attended to with a grave condition in a local health facility.

This lack of empathy from all involved in this scheme is scandalous and stinks of not providing justice but to have him suffer for more than the allegation laid on him in the court and unfortunately its ‘ he who pays the piper calls the tune’ and they seem to ignore that soon and very soon, things a bound to change and matters that were done out of appeasement will come and haunt them.

GBM, is an established citizen and not a flight risk and has always been a patriotic member of our country with visible investments in this very country and not forgetting that he did popularize certain personalities and organizations using his hard earned resources and his popularity too, even in no go areas that were evidently pronounced.

We as family, will no longer sit back and keep quiet at the whims of those playing the pipe continue to be inhumane and those dancing to the tune to throw away logic and constitutionalism. Enough is indeed enough.


  1. You can fool the gullible ones, we know you are dead scared as time for your defence has come. Own up and defend yourself. Crying retribution will not help. You were making those deals on your own.

  2. How exactly did he popularize HH? Please stick to the issue at hand – GBM’s medical condition and his court appearances. It seems that in Zambia, if one extends a helping hand to you, you lose your independence and have to endure an eternal debt of gratitude.

    If you assist someone, it doesn’t mean that they must always agree with you, no matter how foolish or dangerous your position is. We must be careful who we accept assistance from in time of need. Some give that assistance to acquire slaves.

  3. Traitors don’t end well….. usually their ends are exposed for all to learn and vindicate the innocent. GBM was missioned to destroy HH and failed. So his fate is guilty and hallucinations that HH can revenge. Never would HH sink so low, just fight your legal battles and health peacefully. HH has 20 million + Zambians to Takecare of.


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